Bloody razor blade pt 3 (💙)

24 1 14

(Warning: Smut)

Larry Pov

I tried containing my feelings, i wanted to kiss him. I looked at Travis's lips. I started to lean down, cupping his chin between my 2 fingers. I finally kissed him. I heard Travis' moans as we softly made out.

Travis Pov

I moaned, Larry just kissed me...I played along, I push my tongue into his mouth, intertwining our tongues. I slide my hand under his shirt and rubbed his baby soft stomach. I felt my dick getting harder by the minute. I pressed my erection against Larry's thigh, warning him I'm hard and ready to fuck. Larry stroked my thigh, God. i wanted him to take me right here, like a slut. I reached for his zipper, pulling down. Jackpot. Larry opened his eyes and looked down. He took that as a sign and pulled me closer. I moaned.

Larry Pov

I was nervous, I've never fucked someone before. I let Travis take the lead. I really didn't wanna mess this up. I continued to make out with Travis, not knowing what to do. Travis finally released my dick, it springed back and forth as it was released. Travis moved away from my mouth. I was waiting, i looked down. Travis took my dick into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. "Fuck...kitten..." I moaned, i gripped his hair, Travis sucked harder faster. I moaned loudly. I was very close to climaxing. "Doll...hurry, im almost there..." Travis giggled and sucked. I finally climaxed. Travis swallowed it all up. Some cum dripping down his chin. "good boy..." I pulled Travis up and leaned him against a wall. I started rubbing and teasing his entrance. "Beg for me..." I listened to Travis beg for me. After completely satisfied with his begging, I pushed in, slowly thrusting in and out...God he was such a good boy.

Travis Pov

I moaned, i could feel the dude thrusting in and out of me slowly.. "Please, faster..." I moaned. he went a bit faster. My moans were getting bigger and filling up the bathroom. I stroked myself, moaning even louder now. "Please...faster. i can take it!" I yelled out, i felt very fast thrusting behind me. I tried my best to keep up with his moves. I can feel him cumming inside my entrance. I moaned. He pulls out of me and we quickly get dressed. I get back in his lap and cuddle him again. All i can think of was our intimate play, that was the only thing i can think. Of course, I would never tell father about it and mention every again. I knew it was a one time thing. I kissed Larry and feel asleep right on his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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