Monday morning 7-11:30 AM

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(this section will not be like the other parts because this is basically a journal of ai's worries and what's she doing in her journal)

7:20 AM monday may 6th

I had gotten up at 7:03 AM and did my makeup for about 10 minutes i wanted to look perfect for the confession so it was a memory i could treasure forever than i took like 5 minutes picking out the perfect dress it was all sparkly and black what more could i want for a dress i wanted to remember i have to go to breakfast now

8:00 AM monday may 6th

I just had breakfast today it was cereal because panic room got up too late to cook so i went to a cafe and got some coffee so i could be energized for the rest of the day i got a latte because they taste so good especially in the morning when i just need some energy to keep me awake before i pass out on the ground lol i've been thinking about taking chinese classes do you think kemuri would do them with me i cannot wait to ask him so many questions lol

8:30 AM monday may 6th

Kemuri gave me a weird look today when i spilled a bit of my coffee on my dress he didn't even try to help rude! I'm not even sure if i love him anymore i mean sure the stain did go away quite quickly for some reason but he still should have tried to help me it's not fair i just punched my pillow violently oh maybe i shouldn't write that eh it's whatever it's not like i'm gonna read this to anyone anyways who would really care about a personal life journal

9:06 AM monday may 6th

I've been so bored today i've just been scrolling through instagram all day waiting for the clock to hit 12 but ugh what should i do maybe i'll go onto facebook and scam an old lady or something that's how bored i am seriously why is life so boring half the time unless there is some drama or kemuri takes me out life is so boring i have no idea what to write but i love making my entries long so i'm just gonna cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat

10:08 AM monday may 6th

I forgot to write one around 9:30 sorry it's just i wanted to look at wedding dresses i know i do this a lot but come on if i'm gonna get married i'm gonna need a plan on what i want i think i have a basic idea i want one with sparkles on it i love sparkles in fact i am honored to have sparkle as my last name which is why i won't change it when i get married kemuri can choose if he wants his or not i don't care
10:45 AM monday may 6th

I saw a really cute bird video the bird sang "idol" by ai hoshino i was so impressed that a bird a creature i saw as lowlife could have such a beautiful voice honestly i should get a bird they are also really pretty and pretty expensive i'm not sure i mean i'd have to quit onlyfans after getting together with kemuri so i'd have to find a new way of income maybe i'd even go to college i mean i'm pretty good at english so maybe i could teach english to some kids in my town but i would need a teaching degree eh i'll just ask kemuri if we get together.....twilight is a good liar

11:37 AM monday may 6th

I'm getting ready to go to the car and drive to the location me and kemuri agreed to meet i hope he really doesn't mind the short walk i really don't wanna make him angry i usually don't mind but kemuri is special to me he could be the one and he likes me oh he does i smile at the thought of that someone i've been cruel to would love me oh i'm a cruel being but i'm also hot so most people don't mind at first glance but kemuri seems to know and yet he still loves me even though i'm not the best person but who really is the best person oh it's already 11:45 AM i have to go i'll update ya

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