Sayori Headcanons

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-Her birthday is October 4 (Cinnamon Bun Day)

-Pansexual and Asexual

-Demi-girl (She/they)

-Ships Natsuri

-Kins Milly from TMF

-BFFS w/ everyone

-Extreme Extrovert

-Has depression, but tries her best to hide it with a happy and outgoing personality

-Actually quite intelligent

-Dulls her feelings by eating

-She is mixed race (half Japanese, half American)

-Has freckles on her face, arms, and legs

-Her natural hair color is dirty blonde

-She has tons of plushies

-Watches Strawberry Shortcake and Chloe's Closet for nostalgia

-She is a very emotional person

-Cried at the end of Frozen (I did too)

-Sayori has an ED (Eating Disorder)

-Buys cute bandaids for Yuri's SH scars


-Uses ":3" and "!!!!!!" every time she texts

-loves to draw n write

-listens to CreepP, juju<3, and Melanie Martinez

-Dislikes swearing, but swears little

-Reads manga w/ Natsuki

-Loves sugar

-Plays gacha

-Plays roblox

-Has a tiktok account with Yuri and Natsuki

-Has naturally curly hair

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