Monika Headcanons

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(I dont rlly like Monika so if some of these headcanons are bias I'm srry)

-Pansexual (Canon ig?)

-Cis Female


-Birthday is September 22nd (Canon)

-Has a collection of green shades of nail polish

-Mother of the group

-Wavy Hair

-Steals Sayori's bows sometimes

-Tan skin

-Mole on her right cheek below her eye

-Natural Browish-Ginger hair

-Regrets what she did

-Actually a sweetheart if you get to know her

-Gives Yuri occasional head pats

-Very hugable person


-Emotional dependence issues

-Listens to Vocaloid n Classical music

-theater kid

-Prefers to listen, not to speak

-has a platonic relationship with all of the girls

-Counts everyone she knows as a friend

-Watches FusionZGamer w/ Yuri

-Has sleepovers w/ the girls 24/7, to the point where her parents count the girls as their children

-Only child

-Suffers from depression

-Has trouble trusting men after the MC incident, but tries her best to overcome that fear

-Has a less severe version of social anxiety

-Tries to stay confident

-Cleans when stressed

-2nd tallest member

-dresses as Ayano from Yandere sim every other Halloween

-Her favorite color is emerald green

-Yuri lets her borrow her horror books all the time

-Keeps a dream catcher above her bed

-has one of those canopy Pinterest beds

-Loves to spoil the other girls with gifts

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