Chapter 2: Unlikely Convergance

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Chapter 2: Edith

As I settle into my desk at Cameron Jones Associates, the hum of the office machinery surrounds me. My job here is more than just fetching coffee and making copies; it's about gathering information, strategizing, and executing missions with precision.

Today, Markus meets me at my desk, a cup of coffee in hand. Markus is the only one I can trust at this place. He's my man behind the scenes, always ready with my directions. "Morning, Edith. Ready for another thrilling day at the office?" he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Always. What's on the agenda for today?"

Markus leans in, his voice lowering. "We've got a new mission. Intel suggests that the government is developing a new bio-weapon, and they're getting close to completing it. We need to get our hands on the blueprints before they do."

My heart quickens at the thought of the mission. "Got it. Any leads?"

Markus nods. "Yeah, there's a high-ranking official in the government who's been overseeing the project. We believe he's got the blueprints stored in his office. We'll need to break in and extract them."

I nod, mentally preparing myself for the task ahead. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get to work."


Navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of the government building, I keep to the shadows, avoiding security cameras and guards. I hide myself among corners and blindspots, and Markus loops camera footage to make sure I was never there. With Markus guiding me through my earpiece, I make my way to the target's office.

Looking around it is clear this man is not very organized. His desk is pushed in front of a large window, which makes my job so much easier. I turn off the lights and my night-vision contacts allow me to survey the area. First I dig through the mountain of papers on his desk, and check his drawers for traps. None.

Then, I look around at the surrounding paintings and bookshelves. Nothing seems to lead to a secret room, and all the pictures are seemingly innocent. I take another scan around the room and am about to stop- there! A painting that is clearly a knock-off has a different wood frame than all the others.

Finally, I  locate the safe hidden behind a painting. With practiced ease, I crack the lock and retrieve the blueprints. Just as I'm about to make my escape, a voice echoes through the room.

Chapter 2: Zain

"Zain, my boy, come in," my father's voice crackles over the intercom.

I sigh, setting aside the project I've been working on. Another interruption. Another waste of my time.  Another demand from my father.

Entering his opulent office, I find him sitting behind his desk, his expression unreadable. "Father," I acknowledge with a nod.

He gestures for me to take a seat. I don't take it. "Zain, I've been reviewing your recent work, and I must say, I'm impressed. You're proving to be quite the asset to Hemingway Industries."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, and say,  "Thank you, father. But I've told you before, this isn't the path I want for myself."

His brow furrows in frustration. "Zain, we've been over this. You're a Callahan. It's your duty to carry on the family legacy."

My father, Austin has always been hell-bent on me becoming his successor. Which in all honesty seems so stupid, I'm not the oldest, there are others so why choose me? My only answer; he believes Violet is all pretty face no brains. She's my older sister and is the face of Hemingway Industries. Violet is plastered all over billboards, TV ads heck she's in magazines because her dating life never ends. As far as I know she eats the game for breakfast, so why choose me?

"I never asked to be a part of this legacy," I retort, the frustration bubbling inside me. "I want to make my own choices, follow my path."

He leans forward, his voice low and menacing. "You will do as I say, Zain. That's final. Now, I have a new assignment for you. A week-long mission in Oaksrner. You leave tomorrow." I struggle to hide my surprise. Oaksrner? Why would he waste his time there?

I grit my teeth, suppressing my anger. No need to cause a scene, another suspension doesn't look good for my 'image'.

"Yes, father."


As I exit the government building, mission accomplished, I'm not surprised to come face to face with another figure in the shadows. Edith.

She raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Fancy meeting you here, Callahan."

I return the smirk, and toss a wink, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the encounter. "Likewise, Wood. Looks like we're both after the same thing."

We stand there for a moment, sizing each other up, the tension crackling between us. Two enemies, at the ready waiting for instruction.

Author: K.M Strunk

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