Zayn panic disorder

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Au Zayn has had a lot of panic attacks but never in front of maika so it comes as a shock to see it happened Zayn was sitting in his room trying to unpack all that has happened with him now being the king he has a lot to understand and I guess it doesn't help him have panic attack 

Zany pov 

I'm in my room will it is actually my and maika's room but anyway trying to understand that I'm know king and a lot happened so it nice to take a break Mikay come in " hi love are you okay" "yes I'm fine just trying to understand all the is going on but I will get through it" my breath pick up "m...Mikay h...hurts breath" 

Mikay pov 

I come in to me and zany's room zany is not looking okay I ask him if he is okay he said he fine not even a second later he breath got really sort "zany hey you okay it okay shhhh"  "Maika it hurts help please" I don't know what happened "HELP IT THE KING HE CAN'T BREATH" I screamed hope someone had heard me "zany it okay shhh I got you" "Mikay I'm dizzy" "ZANY no it okay you can sleep if it helps okay" I picked him up and pleated I'm on the bad and got in to cuddle him 

a few hours later 

 Still mikay PoV 

He started to wake up "hey are you okay now" "mmm I'm sorry and yes I feel a lot better" I am still worried about him but he seems fine "hey why did you Have a panic attack" "ummm I have a panic disorder so" I am very worried now why did he not tell me it fine it okay he is okay but I'm going to cuddling him all day now 

Zany PoV 

I tell him about my panic disorder he started to cuddle me "Mikay I have to go" "no you just had a panic attack you are not going anywhere you are staying here and I'm cuddle you all day so sleep" "baby I just passed out and slept for god know how long but okay" "Love you slept for 2 hours you need more so sleep or not kiss for two days" "okay's i will sleep but night I love you"

He whisper in my ear "I love you to my dear 


I will take requests love you all remember to eat and drink 

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