Planning for the End

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I didn't know what to expect to see when we got back to the village. Maybe some chaos, maybe for it to be completely empty... but instead we all found it...

Organized and ready for the end.

Many Steves walked around us, too busy to notice our presence. Even the Overseer looked impressed at how well everyone was working hard to fortify the village, but once everyone saw Origin Steve who walked behind us all... Chaos erupted.

Steves swarmed us, many red Steves got ready to fight Origin Steve, and some Green Steves rushed over to us to check out wounds. Most of them especially worried about Rainbow from the blood he was covered in still. He looked a bit overwhelmed by the sudden attention put on him. I pulled him close to me for a moment.

"Everyone! Stop!" I yelled at everyone. They all went quiet and the crowds of Steves looked at me. I don't usually snap or yell like that... so it got their attention.

"Thank you! We are all fine and got out of there thanks to Origin Steve's help! So don't attack him! Where is everyone else!" I asked in a panic. Alex slowly flew above the crowd while the Overseer took charge of explaining what happened to all of us. Leaving out Rainbow's rage and Time's disappearance.

I hope we find him soon.

"Dad! Dad are you okay?!" I saw Elemental run over to us. I quickly gave him a tight hug holding back the tears swelling in my eyes. He was okay... if he was okay that means everyone else is too... I hope. So much of this right now is tied by the hope we all have.

"I'm alright... what about you?! And Illusion?! Everyone else!" I couldn't stop my panic and worry from slipping. Elemental hugs me a bit tighter.

"We are all okay... but.. where is Time?..." He questions. I sighed and shook my head.

"They still have him... We will get him back though!" At least I hope so... No. I know we will get him back. I just wonder how he is holding up right now. I saw a figure sneak up behind me. I was reminded by Hypno as he snuck up and hugged Elemental from behind. He jumps and looks at Hypno in shock letting go of me.

"Hypno?! How are you here?!" Elemental looks over him. Do they know each other?

"The Guardian sent me here the same way you guys got in. Apparently due to his weakness and Demon Steve can't leave his realm at the moment. So he sent me to help?" He grins with a spark in his single large eye. Even with his addiction to all of this... I'm glad the Guardian is alright.

"Rainbow! You are covered in blood! What happened?!" Light came through the crowd and hugged Rainbow tightly. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. I looked around and saw Alex... he looked miserable from the crowd. She kept her head low and her distance from Origin Steve. I went over to her and took her hand. She looked up at me as relief filled her face.

"Let's get inside." I took her through the crowd while I held her hand. She helps guide me when we get lost. We went into Sabre's house. We closed the door behind us and took a second to catch our breaths. We both sat down on the couch.

"We got out..." Alex mumbles. I nodded as exhaustion started to get the best of me.

"We did... thanks to Time. I need to find him." I muttered and held my head. Alex sits closer to me and hugs me.

"We will... We just need to plan this out. With everyone else." She relaxed as she laid on me. I played with her hair gently. The bright red stood out against my galaxy fingers. I closed my eyes for a second. I rubbed her shoulder for even a few minutes.

It was quiet.

Quiet from the war going on. Quiet from the pain of everyone being lost, hurt, or worse... knowing that the world may be ending right outside our door. Instead, I could focus on someone I love... even for a moment. We held each other close and melted away into our touch and warmth. It was only for a moment...

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