16. A Change in The Wind

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The thundering trot of a horse's hoofs filled my ears as I pulled out my easel that morning to paint at last. I looked around on my balcony, seeking to find where this noise was coming from. A nearly yellow horse caught my eye first and then to my dismay, there was Daniel.


Admittedly, he was doing nothing but his morning lap. Not long after, Levi's strong, chestnut horse came cantering behind and the men began conversing. Their voices trailed across the fields. I leaned over the balcony while starting a few brush strokes of fresh blue paint. I was starting with a basic ocean scene.

"I'll talk to her," I thought I heard Levi say. "As soon as I take Majesticus back to the stable."

"I'm going for another victory lap," Daniel replied obnoxiously before commanding his horse. "Come on, Butterscotch."

I was nosy as to who "her" was. My guess was Audrina.

I continued with my scene, brush stroke after brush stroke, thankful that at last, the sun was beating down on me. I basked in its warmth as I let my mind empty.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Whitney?! Are you there?!"

"Who is it?" I called from the balcony. It was a man's voice. But who?


I unveiled my smock and dashed to my bedroom door. When I opened it, he smelled like hay and grass and musk. Not like the Mr. Shelsey I knew from the clubs who was clean and dapper and smelled like heaven at all times.

"Is everything alright?"

"How do you like it here?" he asked without warning.

"Er-uhm, Mr. Shelsey, it's been a day and a half but I loved my space," I motioned around the room, lying about how much I hated that blue carpet. "The view is spectacular. The bed is comfortable. I love the balcony to myself. I-I-I loved the Tuesday dinner-"

"I don't know where the best place to have a word with you about this would be. feel it's a breach of your privacy to have a seat on the bed or wherever else in this room alone. May I take you to my study?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Please just come with me," he beckoned me with his hand and I followed him down the hall to the large doors where his study was located.

"I saw you were out for a ride," I awkwardly made small talk.

"It's my favorite way to take a break from work. Please sit," he pointed to the soft, wingback chair and I plunked myself in. I hardly realized how clumsy I was until I lost my footing, sinking into the chair. I quickly sat up, crossing one leg over the other.

Levi smiled lightly at the sight before he sat at his desk. He folded his veiny hands and looked straight at me, "We seem to have run into a problem with Daniel's pairing. Do you know anything about this?"

"Do I know anything? Of course not."

"Hm. I figured the girls would be talking," he sighed. "Well, anyway, Audrina has decided that a trial marriage is incompatible with her summer studies."


Levi leaned back in his rolling chair, looking out at the sky that had now turned cloudy, "Daniel assured her that she can study and live with him at Petphens and enjoy all there is to the trial marriage but the young lady was insistent that she bow out."

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