Who will help me carry him? (ver: I)

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**Title: "Who will help me carry him?"**


Emma Wilson stood amidst the chaos of the battlefield, her heart pounding in her chest. The acrid scent of blood and smoke hung heavy in the air, and the cries of wounded soldiers echoed around her. But her eyes were fixed on one figure lying motionless in the mud: Yohan Lee, the young warrior she loved.

His face was battered, his armor dented, and his once-vibrant eyes now dull and lifeless. Emma's fingers trembled as she brushed a lock of matted hair from his forehead. She had seen him fight with unmatched courage, witnessed his unwavering loyalty to their cause. And now, he lay broken before her.

Emma's love for Yohan burned fiercely. They had shared stolen moments, whispered promises of a future beyond the war. But fate had torn them apart, and now she feared she would lose him forever. She couldn't bear the thought of Yohan dying alone on this desolate battlefield.

"Who will help me carry him?" Emma's voice cracked as she called out to the other soldiers. Her plea hung in the air, a desperate prayer for someone to share the burden of carrying Yohan to safety.

From the ranks of battle-hardened men, three stepped forward. Each had their own reasons for answering Emma's call, their own memories of Yohan's valor etched into their hearts.

1. **Evan, the Silent Blade**:
   Evan had fought alongside Yohan in countless skirmishes. His blade was swift, and his silence unnerving. He had seen Yohan's determination firsthand—the way he stood his ground even when outnumbered. Now, Evan knelt beside Yohan, his eyes unreadable. He would carry his fallen comrade, not out of duty, but out of respect for a fellow warrior.

2. **Lucas, the Healer's Son**:
   Lucas had tended to Yohan's wounds more times than he could count. His gentle hands had stitched up gashes, eased pain, and whispered words of encouragement. Now, he cradled Yohan's head, tears streaming down his face. "I'll carry him," Lucas said softly. "He deserves a chance to heal."

3. **Alex, the Loyal Friend**:
   Alex had known Yohan since childhood. They had shared secrets, dreams, and laughter. When Yohan had enlisted, Alex had followed, determined to protect his friend. Now, he hoisted Yohan's body onto his shoulder. "We'll get him home," Alex vowed. "Even if it's the last thing I do."

Together, they lifted Yohan, their combined strength carrying him away from the battlefield. Emma walked beside them, her gaze never leaving Yohan's face. She prayed for his survival—for their future together.

As they trudged through the mud, Emma whispered to Yohan, "Hold on, my love. We'll carry you home, where healing awaits. And when you wake, I'll be here, waiting for you."

And so, they carried Yohan Lee—the hero, the lover, the friend—away from the horrors of war, toward a fragile hope that love could conquer even the darkest of days.


The journey back to the healer's tent was arduous. The weight of Yohan Lee pressed down on the shoulders of Evan, Lucas, and Alex, but they trudged forward, fueled by determination and love. Emma walked alongside them, her gaze never leaving Yohan's battered face.
As they approached the healer's tent, the flap opened, revealing Nura Kim—a woman of wisdom and compassion. Her eyes widened at the sight of Yohan, and she motioned for them to lay him on a makeshift cot.
"Emma," Nura said, her voice gentle, "what happened?"
Emma's voice trembled as she recounted the battle—the clash of swords, the screams, and the desperate fight for survival. She described how Yohan had shielded her from an enemy's blow, how he had fought with valor until he collapsed from exhaustion and injury.
Nura's hands moved swiftly, assessing Yohan's wounds. "He's lost a lot of blood," she murmured. "But he's strong. We'll do everything we can."
As Nura worked, the other soldiers lingered in the tent. Emma watched them—the silent blade, the healer's son, and the loyal friend—each with their own connection to Yohan.

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