by your side :Emma x Yohan (part 1)

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Before we start um..look I don't have enough time to write a 5000 to 10000 word chapter in only 10 days I have other stuff going on so ya

I made this oneshot because I have hope for this ship


Emma's p.o.v

I haven't even realised this

I have a crush on yohan


Like not saying i have a crush,that's all like,I Can't even say that I have a crush,I just do,but I know its wrong because I'm already dating Elios, and I don't want to break up with him,he's like my guardian angel,the one who has helped me a lot.

But yohan also saved my life ,not once, not 2 ,but 3 times

Like how?

I can't even think straight like I feel like fainting ,

Yohan:hi Emma!how are you ? Haven't seen you around

Emma:o-oh hi ,I'm great! I just need to go to work right now

Yohan:ok well see you tommorow! Bye


Crap I almost blushed AHHHH,stop Emma, get it together you need to go to work or else you'll be fired ,I need to run now

5 min later

Elios:so anything new my princess?

Emma's p.o.v

Elios with his names,ahh I feel my heart melting every time when I'm with elios,but I feel so happy with yohan ,

Elios:Emma are you ok? In anything bothering you?

Emma:n-no I'm perfectly fine right now

Elios:oh ok ,if there's anything bothering you just tell me, I'm your boyfriend after all, and I'm here to help


3 hours later

Emma:I need to text one of my friends I'll be back

Elios:wait who?

Emma's p.o.v

Shoot ,I didn't tell him that I'm friends with yohan ,uhh what should I do?oh I'll just tell him it's Sophie,actually no, I know I'll say it's mika

Emma:I'm texting my friend mika


Emma texting yohan


-hi Emma!

-what are you doing ?

-studying for exam,then I have to go train mma with my uncle and then go eat with hana

-very organized schedule

-anyway gtg text you later bye


Yohans p.o.v

Now I have to go to training, it feels great to train, since I now know how to defend my self

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