Chapter 07 - Hurt

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"Screwed!?" George echoed watching Nigel cringe at the sudden raise of his voice. "No no no listen Nigel, we're gonna do something. We'll find the dragon or Alyssa and Max and we'll get everything figured out. Okay? We're gonna be fine, but we can't do anything if you're hurt."

Nigel raised his arm out towards George.

"What?" George asked nodding to Nigel's hand.

"Pull me up." Nigel said lightly.

George grasped Nigel's hand and put his other on Nigel's shoulder. Slowly but forcefully, he pulled his friend up into somewhat of a slouched sitting position. Nigel swayed for a few seconds before falling sideways against George and letting a gasp of pain escape.

"Hey," George started, as he placed his arms around Nigel to support him better."Don't push yourself Nigel. You're hurt alright? It's okay. Just...just take it easy. I don't want you dying on me."

George shifted his position slightly so Nigel could lay his head lay on his chest.

"We have to be careful now. I won't let you get hurt anymore. I think we need a minute to just calm down."

Nigel whispered a small 'okay' and then leaned closer to George.


Max could hear Alyssa's sobs no matter how far he wandered through the forest. Her words replayed in his ears.

'Max no! Please don't leave me alone!'

He trudged on through the trees and plants hoping to get away from her cries. He didn't need this. He didn't deserve this. Here he was trusting that Nigel would share a secret well kept with him only to be lead into the forest, lost. Whose fault was that?

He took his mobile phone out to use as a torch. The dull glow did little as he waved it in front of his path.

"Nigel!" He called. "George!"

They couldn't have landed that far away. After all, his dragon was supposedly following theirs. He would look a little ways and then circle back to check on the Alyssa. The way she reacted to him leaving was almost as if she didn't expect him to return.

The night grew darker, colder. Soon, he was visibly shivering. If he didn't find Nigel and George soon, he might not last that much longer out here.

"N-Nigel!" He repeated. "G-G-George!" His breath made little clouds in front of him.

Owls hooted and crickets chirped. Little fireflies lit up around him, dancing. Had he not have been freezing to death at the moment, he might have stopped to catch a few, but he had a purpose. He needed to find Nigel and George before it was too late.

Suddenly, he heard a shrill scream that belonged to a male voice. Someone was shouting not too far away from him.

Max looked up at the sky trying to get a view of the North Star perhaps. He heard someone screaming, loudly, as if he were in pain. It was frightening. Max covered his ears.

When the noise subsided, Max lifted his head to the sky.

"What the hell was that...?" He murmured standing up and walking forward.

He opened his mouth to call out to Nigel and George just as he walked into something big and scaly.


The two dragons curled around Alyssa trying their best to insulate her with what little heat they could provide. She shivered and leaned into one of the dragons trying not to focus on her toes and fingers going numb, but more on the dragons an how much they were trying to care for her.

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