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If you visit the magic forest, the one with the dragons in it, you'll find a young warlock, frozen in time. He spends the rest of his days in the forest with three crimson dragons. He does not long for another's presence, in fact, since the night he became frozen in time, he no longer felt the need for human company. The dragons were all he needed.

If you ask him about his visitors, he will tell you of three. A blond haired, compassionate girl who cared more about how he would manage without other humans than those he was leaving behind in the city. She would bring him food from the city despite him having more than enough in the forest. She cared very much about the dragons and the other animals that resided in the forest. Her favourite thing about the forest wasn't visiting her friend, it was admiring the beauty in the trees, the animals, and dragons. She proved not to keep her promise when she married a man in the city. Her life was not with the forest.

She had a friend with her, the young boy who refused to ride the dragons again. He, like the girl, admired the forest's  beauty, but did not share the same enthusiasm with the winged creatures. He did, however, spend the least time in the forest than the others. The dragons were no longer mystical creatures to him, they were dangerous, and he did not like being around them. Which meant he did not like being around the dragonlord. The dragons came with the dragonlord. So, it was not hard for him to sometimes break the promise when he so desired not to visit. He was the second to break the promise when he stopped coming to the forest.

Last, but certainty not the least, was a ginger haired boy who would spend the rest of his life in the forest for the dragonlord if he could. He did not once break the promise he made all those years ago. Every day and every night, he would spend hours upon hours with the warlock afraid that the next time he came to the forest, the dragonlord would no longer be waiting for him. He did not care that he missed school and it did not matter to him what was happening in the city, his life was here in the forest with the dragonlord. 

But, like all the others, there did come a day when the red haired boy could no longer visit. Time did not pass for the warlock as drinking the sacred water had made him immortal, but for the city dwellers, life continued on as usual. Time passed. People, boys, grew into men. Men grew into the elderly and the immortal ceased to age.

The dragonlord found himself one day waiting at the edge of the forest at the break of dawn for the now white haired man that he had never stopped loving. He waited hours. He waited the whole day. The dragons, now a russet colour, waited patiently with him. They knew the man would not be coming to the forest ever again. There was only so much time the mortal had left in his life. He was sick. And he had not told the dragonlord; he didn't wish for him to worry. As time had passed for the man, and the disease grew, time had not passed for the warlock. And as death would talk claim on one, the other would stay stranded in the forest, the forest off the maps, off the radar, shielded by the magic he would stay, alone for the rest of eternity.

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