Chapter Four: New Beginnings

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Enna made sure she had an early night that night, she was exhausted from the travel and well, Shannon, she was a lot! She loved her and she knew she always would but she had tested her patience on more than one occasion that day, going on and on about Cal and how she thought that Enna and Cal would be the perfect couple. How she was going to ring him tell him to come over for a movie night. This of course led to a full-fledged fight over Shannon's phone which saw Enna grab the phone from Shannon and launch into the sink full of bubbles. Which consequently led to Shannon crying this god-awful high-pitched cry which made everyone's ears bleed. Her phone was currently sat in a bowl full of rice drying out and Shannon hadn't said a word to her since. Which in all honestly was a blessing to Enna's poor ears and by the looks of things her aunt and uncles to.

The next day she woke up and came downstairs to Shannon being her 'usual' self, whatever that was, which made her think that her phone must be working again. 'Guess what cuz?' she said grabbing Enna in a head lock and rubbing her hair, then skipping away happy as anything after Enna pushed her away and straightened her hair again. Enna didn't reply to her, she simply gave her the dirtiest look anyone had ever seen, which only encouraged Shannon more. 'Well, guess then? You get three goes?' she was grinning from ear to ear. She came back towards Enna with her fingers out like she was going to tickle her or something, 'you better guess quick Enna, or you know I am going to get you.' Enna huffed, 'Oh my gosh,' she made sure to say gosh instead of God in case Aunty Kath heard her, she had ears in every wall that woman. 'You're such a child Shannon, I don't know, your phone is working?' Shannon replied quick as a flash, 'nope, well yeah, but that's not it, two more goes.' 'Why can't you just tell me?' It was Shannon's turn to huff now, 'because that's no fun Enna, come on don't be a bore.' Enna laid her left hand on her chin and stirred her freshly made coffee with her other hand 'I really don't know Shannon, you got a job?' 'Ha! Don't be ridiculous, we both know I am made to be on this farm forever,' she declared in a high pitched noise; grinning from ear to ear she hopped up on the side grabbing an apple and taking a great big bite before saying with her mouth full, 'one more,' Enna was surprised she understood her with the amount of apple she was chomping on. ''re going on holiday.' Shannon hopped down stomped over to the table and sat in front of Enna, 'uh-uh wrong again!' She grabbed Enna's hand in a tight grip and started swinging it excitedly, 'we are going shopping, my dad has given us his card and told me to take you out for the day to get whatever you need for college.' She was swinging Enna's hand with more energy now. Enna couldn't help but laugh, 'oh goody, a full day with Shannon shopping is exactly what I need.' She wasn't a big shopper, she used to be before, but now it all just seemed fickle somehow. 'Show some excitement Enna, pa said we are to get you whatever you need' she winked at her at the same time her dad was waking into the kitchen with a rolled up newspaper in his hand. He stopped in his tracks looked between them rolled his eyes and turned around, walking towards the front door. Enna couldn't help but giggle, her uncle clearly didn't want to deal with Shannon today either. Even though Enna wasn't excited to go shopping she had to admit to herself that she was a little bit excited to see more of the town.

'What time do you have to fill the paperwork in at the College?' her uncle asked her? '10:15 is my time slot.' He was starting the car just as Shannon dived into the back seat, she was wearing brown chord flares, a short button long sleeved top with great big blue flowers on and an orange fluffy coat. She looked like someone out of the 1960's, her hair was half up half down, and her make-up was surprisingly simple. She looked quite nice, unique, but nice. Enna on the other hand had her hair down, it provided a cover when she needed it and her trusty converse trainers with skinny fit jeans and a black hoody that was completely plain. It had started to get windy this morning, so the hoody was needed to keep the chill away. 'Ok girls, I will take you to sign up then drop you in the centre of town, you have got my card, haven't you?' Shannon popped her red head between the seats, 'oh yes daddy, I have the magic card alright,' she then threw herself back laughing, 'be prepared to apply for benefits daddy as I am about to make you poorer than poor.' Uncle Anthony laughed manically 'I'm sure you would given half the chance, that's why I put a spending cap on it.' Shannon's head was suddenly back in-between the seats, 'eh? Since when?' Uncle Anthony turned and patted her on the head, 'since you nearly made us sell the farm to pay off the debts from your last spending spree.' He winked at Enna, 'oh and don't think of asking me how much you have, that's the fun part, you get to worry every time you pay for something whether it will be declined or not, muahahaha.' He had the exact same crazy laugh as Shannon did when they were pranking each other. She had only been at the Lynch Farm a couple of days but she loved seeing the two of them together. It reminder her of her younger days when her own family had no real worries. Her father had been too busy avoiding the hard topics with her to laugh anymore. Enna looked out the window and steadied her gaze at the passing tress before she allowed herself to feel too sad at memories long past. She was soon brought back to the car by Shannon and a Uncle Anthony's bickering.

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