Chapter Seven: More Truths, More Lies and Everything in Between.

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'What the hell Fran, what are you doing?' Cal shouted jumping out of bed and flailing around trying to put one leg into his Jean and failing miserably. 'What am I doing, what are you doing? Are you stupid of something you can't sleep with her, and you know it! 'Frans screeching was reaching new levels at this point. Enna swore only dogs could hear her now. It was at this point that Shannon entered the room rubbing her head, eyes half shut still and her red hair crazier than ever. 'what's going on, why are you making that God awful noise, 'she side eyed Fran, 'and why are you almost naked, 'she paused looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time and smirked, 'hang on, why are you, half naked?' she point between Cal and Enna, 'did someone make the lurvvveeeee, last night? 'At that Fran started screeching again to which Shannon hit her in the arm and simply pointed to her head as if to say shut up!

Cal had finally got his legs in his Jeans and was buttoning them up when he finally spoke, Emma soon wished he hadn't because what he said embarrassed her to her core. 'Of course, I haven't slept with her, 'it was the emphasis on her that started off the redness which was slowly creeping up her neck and to her ears. 'You know I wouldn't do that Fran. I just slept here last night I didn't want to go home in the middle of the night and Enna asked me to stay!' At this she was beaming bright red, she could have lit up the entire night sky with how red she was at this point. Before Enna could answer Fran went into overdrive again, scratching about how of course Enna would ask him to stay, of course she wanted comforting, of course he just had to stay because he clearly must have felt sorry for her. She turned and looked Enna dead in the eyes, 'I warned you to stay away from Cal, but you couldn't help yourself, could you? I told you there would be consequences of getting in between us and I meant it, watch your back bitch! '

Enna was very aware that she was in her sleep shorts and camisole, but she was ready to jump out of bed and defend herself even in her state of undress. Luckily, she didn't have to because the next thing that happened shocked them all. Shannon turned around and lamped her friend one right on the cheek. 'Don't you ever, ever threaten my family again Fran! I don't care how long we have been friends, or how much we have been through together Enna is my family and if you ever talk to her like that again I will hunt you down and ruin you, got it? 'Enna had never seen Shannon like that before, she hadn't expected such anger to roll off her, let alone for her to stick up for her like that. 'it's OK Shannon... 'Enna started to say. 'No, no it's not Enna, she has done nothing but be a spiteful bitch to you since you arrived. Jealousy is an ugly trait even on someone as pretty as you Fran, 'she turned back to her friend. 'You and Cal haven't been an item in over two years, I don't know what kind of claim you think you have over him, but this, ' she gestured around the room, 'this ends now, sort your entire attitude out and get over it or do one Fran because I'm sick of this bullshit already, there's more important things going on right now and you know it!' at that she flipped on herself and headed out of the room, judging by the head rubbing Enna presumed that she was going to get some water and tablets.

Fran surprising hadn't said a word since Shannon lamped her. Cal who had frozen in place the second he heard the crack of skin on skin, had continued to get dressed once he knew there wasn't going to be full blown boxing match. He held his shoes in one hand and went to grab Fran by the elbow to guide her out of the room, Fran shrugged him off turned without looking at Enna and left. She hadn't reacted to Shannon she had simply stated at her holding her hand to her face the entire time she was being roasted by her. Cal looked back towards Enna who was still sat up in bed holding the covers to her chin and said, 'I will call you, 'before turning on his heel and leaving, closing the door softly behind him.

Enna sat there trying to figure out what had happened, Fran's reaction was so over the top she couldn't understand it. They hadn't done anything only sleep. Sleep, she thought, she slept the entire night without waking once. She must have been exhausted as that's the first time she had done that in years without medication to help her. She turned and looked at the clock, 11:40am she had slept the entire morning away. Which means she had missed her second day of college. Only her second day and she was already skipping classes. She was on half days this week as well, to help ease her in, so there was no point in her even attempting to attend today as her classes would be over by the time, she took the bus ride in. She decided to ignore the entire day and write it off as a non-day, her term for those days where Netflix and chill meant staying in bed and binge-watching TV for the entire day and not the other meaning. With that she rolled over and threw the cover over her head to fall back to sleep.

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