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The news about the triumph of Zeus spread across the country. People were disappointed.

Zeus immediately assigned the other two kingdoms on the shoulders of 2 his sons .

The commanders of posiedon and posiedon were banished in the dungeons.

In this period , the world saw the birth of a monster and a hero.

After regaining his consciousness Yoru , decided to despise all kings .

He targeted all kingdoms and murdered their kings.

Due to helios, his hatred towards kings grew more and more until it turned dark and made him a monster.

He went low and started murdering the kings of small kingdoms.

The locals gave him a name , as he targets a kingdom and successfully infiltrates and murders the king on a full moon . He was known as "moon slayer"

He was seen with a black outfit with a pendant(given by his first love). Many kings tried to stop him, but were no match.

As he was a threat to the great kings,Zeus put a bounty on his head. So many people were after him. Still he was untraceable.
                                                                                                                                                                              TO BE CONTINUED....................

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