PART |9|

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Dressed in somber black attire, my siblings and I somberly rode the carriage towards the graveyard, the weight of the occasion heavy upon us. As we arrived, we were greeted by Diana and her parents, who couldn't help but notice the absence of our own.

"Where are your parents, Ophelia?" Mrs. Barry inquired with genuine curiosity.

"They went to Charlottetown to handle important matters, Mrs. and Mr. Barry," I replied with a polite smile, though the absence of my parents was keenly felt.

With a nod of understanding, I bid them farewell and turned my attention to the impending ceremony. Amidst the sea of mourners, I couldn't help but notice Blythe's presence once again, this time with Anne by his side.

A sigh escaped me as I struggled to decipher the conflicting emotions stirring within me. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, I chose to push aside any lingering doubts and focus on honoring the memory of Gilbert's father.

As the mournful ceremony drew to a close, we gathered at the Blythe residence to share in the solemnity of the occasion. Upon entering, I found Gilbert alone in his father's room, tears streaming down his face. Without hesitation, I approached him, offering a towel and a comforting presence.

"Hey, I'm here," I said softly, handing him the towel and a glass of water to ease his sorrow. His words echoed with the weight of grief as he expressed his sadness at his father's passing. Instinctively, I wrapped an arm around him, offering solace in his time of need.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you. That's what friends do, Blythe," I reassured him, feeling a sense of solidarity and empathy deepen our bond.

He looked up at me, a glimmer of gratitude shining in his eyes. "You'll really keep calling me that, Ophelia?" he asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I returned his smile, nodding affirmatively. "Of course, Blythe. Now more than ever," I replied, a newfound sense of commitment and friendship blossoming between us.

"As the somber evening drew to a close around supper time, I found myself in the quiet company of Blythe and Anne. Wondering why Anne lingered, perhaps seeking solace for Blythe, I sought permission to depart. "I'll head home now, Blythe. It's getting late for supper and nearing curfew. I'll drop by tomorrow," I offered, leading the way to the door with Anne and Blythe in tow. "Of course, thank you, Ophelia, for being here and for being a friend," he said warmly, waving goodbye and gently patting my siblings' heads. "Goodbye, and stay safe with your siblings on the way home, alright?"

Returning home to the comforting familiarity of supper prepared by our devoted maidens, I was greeted by Janice Burlow, my favorite among them. Her warm welcome and the aroma of freshly cooked food enveloped us as she ushered us to the dinner table. "Welcome back, kiddos," she smiled, her care evident in every gesture. "You should eat up now, there's supper waiting for you, nicely warm and freshly made." Grateful for her kindness, I hugged her tightly, expressing my thanks before joining my siblings at the dining room table to enjoy the meal.

After a delicious supper, I guided my siblings through our bedtime routine, the house gradually falling into quietness as we obeyed our parents' strict curfew. Despite the tranquility, a sense of unease lingered within me, an anticipation of something looming on the horizon. Unsure if it would bring joy or trouble, I hoped for a brighter outcome than the foreboding feeling suggested. Exhausted from the day's events, I finally succumbed to sleep, drifting off into the night with thoughts swirling in my mind.


Last night proved to be a restless one for me, as sleep eluded me in the quiet hours of the night. Tossing and turning beneath the comfort of my blankets, I found myself plagued by a persistent sense of unease, a feeling that something significant loomed on the horizon. Despite the comforting familiarity of my residence in Avonlea, an unshakable apprehension lingered in her mind, casting shadows over her thoughts and preventing the embrace of peaceful slumber.

As the night wore on, my mind raced with a flurry of uncertainties and possibilities, each thought intertwining with the next in a tangled web of anticipation. Whether it was the weight of looming responsibilities or the whisper of intuition, I couldn't pinpoint the source of my restlessness. Nevertheless, I remained hopeful that the dawn would bring clarity and resolve, offering solace in the promise of a new day in the enchanting world of my town.

"Well, I know it's your favorite, and maybe it can make your day better?" Janice smiled warmly, her kindness a soothing balm to my troubled spirit. Grateful for her thoughtfulness, I nodded in appreciation before devouring the comforting breakfast she had prepared. With a quick wave goodbye to everyone, I hurried off to avoid being late for class, making my way through the familiar woods.

But as I walked, the absence of Blythe weighed heavily on my mind so i did what i needed to do. Arriving at his residence, I was met with an eerie silence and a palpable heaviness in the air. My heart sank as I noticed the furniture shrouded in white cloth,  "what the hell?" a stark indication of impending change. Confusion and concern gripped me as I wandered the deserted surroundings, wondering what had befallen my friend. With a heavy heart, I dashed towards school, hoping against hope to find Blythe there, safe and sound.

 I walk inside class and got scolded by my teacher, Ignoring Mr. Phillips' scolding, my focus remained singularly fixed on the absence of Blythe. Disappointed and disheartened, I trudged to my seat, barely registering the familiar faces around me. Greeting Diana with a hug, my attention shifted to Anne Shirley, who met my gaze with a curious expression. Despite the heaviness in my heart, I mustered a faint smile, silently hoping for answers to the questions swirling within me.

 as lunch time arrived in pretty quickly In a moment of urgency, I pulled Anne aside into the back room, my heart racing with the need for answers. "What happened, Ophelia?" Anne inquired between bites of her sandwich, her curiosity evident in her eyes. Unable to contain my worry any longer, I blurted out, "Where's Blythe? I know that you know, Anne." The words hung in the air, laden with unspoken fears and the desperate hope for reassurance.

"he didnt tell you? hes going to work in a steamship for a quite some time Ophelia to maybe find himself out there and in honor of his father who loved travelling and i guess it was very reasonable and i told him to maybe think about it some more and maybe say goodbye to all of you i guess he didnt"

Anne's words hit me like a wave of realization, washing away the confusion and uncertainty that had clouded my mind. Blythe's decision to work on a steamship as a means of self-discovery and in tribute to his late father suddenly made sense, yet the absence of a proper farewell left a bitter pang in my heart. "He didn't tell me," I murmured, a mix of understanding and hurt swirling within me. Grateful for Anne's insight, I took a moment to process the news before nodding solemnly. "Thank you, Anne," I whispered, appreciating her honesty and friendship in this moment of clarity.

As the day came to an end i walked home with Diana and asked her to talk about something that has been bothering me, Sitting on the tree log with Diana, I poured out my heart, sharing the mix of disappointment and confusion swirling within me. "Blythe left, did you know that?" I began, my voice tinged with frustration. "I'm just disappointed and a bit mad. We're friends now, and he shouldn't have left me feeling like a fool, without even a goodbye." As I spoke, I felt the weight of unresolved emotions lifting, replaced by a sense of vulnerability. Diana's shocked expression mirrored my own feelings as I confessed, "He didn't even write a letter or say goodbye the night before. He didn't say anything about any place or person; he only told Anne." With a heavy sigh, I awaited her response.

"You care about Gilbert?" Diana's question caught me off guard, causing me to pause and reconsider my feelings. "Ophelia, it seems like you might like him?" she continued gently. Her words sparked a realization within me, stirring emotions I hadn't fully acknowledged before. "It's okay," Diana reassured me, her support unwavering. "Maybe try sending him a letter first and ask why he left you like that." Her advice resonated with me, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion and uncertainty. With gratitude for her understanding, I resolved to seek closure and clarity in the midst of Blythe's sudden departure.


𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓐𝓿𝓸𝓷𝓵𝓮𝓪∘❀ (ᘜIᒪᗷᗴᖇT & OᑭᕼᗴᒪIᗩ)Where stories live. Discover now