Chapter 10: Party in the Paris Mansion

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The girls rushed into the room gasping for air. It was 9 am on a Saturday.

"Heard there was an emergency", wheezed Hannah as she tried to compose herself.

They finally caught their breadth, looked up and was frozen to the spot. Immediately they screamed and ran to Alex bed side to hug her, but not too tight.

"Oh my gawd when did she wake up", asked Cleo.

"Around 2 am", Arielle replied.

"What! And you didn't tell us"

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it"

"At least a heads up would be nice", said Hannah giving Ari a scowl.


"You will be forgiven if there's gonna be a party", said liv.

"Hold on... why do I feel my recovery is an excuse for you guys to throw a party "

"Oh suck it up would ya, the entire school needs a mood boost and what other way than to host a freaking party"

"Plus is going to be the first ever Paris party", squealed Ari.

"Ooh I feel so hyped", Alex said rolling her eyes and laid back down.

Ari gasped "I need to make preparations", she said excitedly and left.

"At least she's back", said Mari making them laugh.

"Your not going to ask of what you missed why you were stuck between worlds", asked Hannah.

"Nah I doubt I missed anything important"

"Cocky much", whispered Hannah.

"So the party is tonight", said Arielle skipping back into the room with a goofy smile.

"What!!...Tonight, please tell me your joking", said Mari.

"that was fast", asked liv.

"Well yeah time waste for nobody, come on we got only eleven hours till party time", they all groaned at that.

"There is till much time", Mari whined.

"Not enough to plan the best party in history", Ari said.


"Priceless artworks hidden check, Lights check, drinks check, snacks check, video games check, cake check flowers check....

"You sound like your organizing for an important occasion like a wedding", said Mari.

"Or a ball", said liv "expect the guest won't be dressed in ball gowns and tailcoat or wearing a masquerade mask, ya know", she added stroking her chin.

"Well this is an important occasion and it has to be perfect"

"Indeed it is, but what's with the flowers"

"Decoration......hey, hey please move the statue to the left, no no a little to the left and an inch to the right", Arielle said to the men carrying a gigantic rose statue.

"Yeah we know it's for decoration but isn't it over the top"

"Nuh uh, it has to be perfect"

"At least she didn't make us do any work", whispered Liv.

"Gawd am starving....oh please Ari can't I at least take a muffin", Cleo asked walking up to them.

"No you aren't you just are like 20 minutes ago, plus you just want to taste the muffin"

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