Chelsea meeting rayan

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Rayan pov: *gets a text from madison* oh guys someone wants to bring a girl to me so we are meet a girl named chelsea. Madison says she's really rebellious and naughty so therefore we probably gonna have to prepare for her when we meet her sometime today. *meanwhile at Madisons house*
Madison pov: chelsea get your stuff ready okay because I'm taking you to rayan and he's waiting for you so please get anything you want and then after we are done talking with Ray Ray I don't know if you'll be coming back home with me and don't worry I'll ship stuff out to Ray Ray for you my good girl.
Chelsea pov: *so does what she says so I get everything I wanted to take with me and I get lunch and my drinks and I double check to see if I need anything but I heard Madison yell my name loudly CHELSEA COME ON!!!! I hear* okay I'm coming Madison *I rushed out to the car with everything I wanted in a tote bag and then has to hear a lecture again ugh*.
Madison pov: now chelsea when we get to rayans house do not disobey him or his things understand or else I'll discipline that ass and you know you don't want that especially in front of him. I'm dead ass serious with you don't play with me and oh don't get me started if you live with him I'll make sure he let's me know if you acting up just you wait Missy you know you done fuck up honey. But anyways girly we are here and you best mind your behavior or else imma get your ass. *moments later we arrived*
Rayan: hey Madison I see you got chelsea there awaiting. My my my she has definitely a look of a rebel well you see I can take her in my care if you don't want her anymore. I'll straightened her out and she'll be mines.
Madison: well if you insist she's insane and very disobedient and rebellious girl and there's something mysterious about her that's off I'm not sure what that is exactly yet but for sure monitor her. And I think if yall fall in love that would be cute but God don't be fooled by her bullshit she pulls.
Rayan: Madison listen she's under my control now so you need to stop telling me about how you feel about her cause I know you hate her but to me she's everything so why don't you take a hike and get out of here and oh yeah and make sure you ship Chelsea's belongings to me. Do you understand are we clear and don't procrastinate I don't have time to play games with you at all. But if you would like to see chelsea occasionally then call me and set up a time and day and I'll happily let you see her but don't you even discipline her that's my and santo and prodigys job and if I for sure catch you disciplining her ill lose my shit on you understand.
Madison: yes sir but anyways I'll get going.
Rayan: wait Madison we are still on good terms but I'm upset because you keep talking shit about chelsea and it just frustrates me alot. And listen if I want you In on disciplining chelsea then I'll let you know but don't ever EVER discipline her without my permission okay she's not yours. By the way sign this contract stating she's in my care now!
Madison: *signs contract* rayan I understand how you truly feel about her and I apologize for my behavior but anyways I'll get going I have alot to do when I get home goodbye rayan *leaves his house*.

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 Madison The girl that had chelsea as a submissive before she was claimed by Ray Ray

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Madison The girl that had chelsea as a submissive before she was claimed by Ray Ray

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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