21.- The Room Before The Darkening Lanterns

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Past the signs were three more temmie's, to which he went up to individually. The first one spoke more gibberish, possibly more than the others.

such a...

Ninja walked away from the temmie, who kept staring at him intensely. The next one was staring at an egg, and spoke about it.

"tem...WATCH EGG!!! eg...wil HATCH!!!

Ninja looked at the egg, looking at it closely before noticing it was a hard-boiled egg. Going up to the last temmie, there was a tall blue mushroom in the middle of that part of the room, hiding its face mostly under the cap. Ninja went up to it, to which it started talking with some music to accompany it.

"Mushroom dance
Mushroom dance
Whatever could it mean"

It looked up, revealing its eyes from under the cap.

"It symbolizes my inner torment, trapped here by my hyphae.
My struggle to pull away. My struggle to escape.
But alas, to no avail."

The music quit and it went back to hiding its face. Ninja was slightly stunned for a bit, mostly confused about the mushroom then shrugging it off.
Then as Ninja approached the last temmie, he had the feeling of being watched, and with a slight glance to the left he saw a temmie watching him from a crack in the wall, hiding in the shadows.
It was weird, eerie even, for such a creature to be staring at him but he slowly turned back to look at the one in front of him, that greeted him eagerly.

tem heard human allergics to tem...
dat OK...
tem understand...
ALSO allergic to tem!!!"

The creature started rapidly getting red bumps on its face and was quickly covered in the red bumps, only saying one word when Ninja tried talking to it again.


Ninja stared at said creature for a bit, then slowly walked away and over to the stature of the creature, with the word "TEM" at the bottom of it, with a little sign to indicate what it was.

"(Statue of tem... very famus)

After that, he went into the shop, only to see another temmie, slightly different with a blue and yellow stiped shirt with light grey hair to accompany it, who was sitting behind a cardboard box with the label "TEM SHOP" painted on its front in yellow paint, the letter "H" in blue and a teacup sitting on the box.
Behind her on the left was a white curtain and next to it were two different size socks, one white with brown and one orange with white.

Underneath it was a stack of three boxes placed like a game of Jenga and a framed photo of a little white dog. On the right, was a shelf with a bone, a stick and a glowing pink potion, along with a trashcan right under it.

welcom to...
da TEM SHOP!!!"
It greeted him.

On the box there were things for sale next to the teacup, such as a tem flake for 3G, the "on sale" tem flake for 1G, the tem flake marked as expensive for 20G and a piece of paper with the sentence: "1000G - tem pay 4 colleg" written on it.
Ninja took out some stuff from his bag and began counting his change, noticing a white piece of what looked like bubbly chalk at the bottom of his bag. He had the option to "use" it and it filled up his bag with it, and the creature asked to buy it off him. After a few rounds of this, Ninja had acquired the 1000G needed to pay for the creature's college, which he promptly handed over.

thas ALOT o muns...
can tem realy accepts...
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!"

Her laughing while smiling face stayed in place as her and her box went off to the side, then came back after a few seconds, while wearing a graduation cap.

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