at the house

17 0 0

*the turtles were at the house/Leo is meditating/raph is outside on the rooftop as always/Donnie in the lad/Mikey was in the living room*

Mikey pov:

Ughhh I'm so boreddddd hmmm what to do......

*Mikey goes to Leo*

Mikey:hey Leo what to play today?

Leo:not now Mikey I'm meditating

Mikey:can you do that later...?

Leo:No Mikey

Mikey:ughhh ok

*Mikey walks out*

*Mikey decided to go outside on the rooftop*

*Mikey was sitting there*

???:hey turtle

Mikey:??! Hmm who's there?

???:over here!

Mikey:? Oh hi

???:want I vape

Mikey:sorry but no my brother said it's bad for your health

???:mmm it's will make you life good if you try one

Mikey:hmmm... Ok

*Mikey gets the vape*

Mikey:oh yeah thank you- uh? Oh his gone

*Mikey try the vape*

Mikey:*inhaling* *uninhaling* mm wow the guy was right

Time skips

*Mikey was still on the rooftop inhaling the vape*



Mikey:!! *Mikey hide the vape* oh hey raph!

Raph:what are you going here?

Mikey:oh nothing just sitting

Raph:let's go home now

Mikey:oh ok

At home

*Mikey went to his room*

Sits on the bed

Mikey:mmm *I'm tired*

Mikey try to sleep

Mikey:mmm *why can't I sleep >:( *

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