Mikey mystic powers/or...Mikey can control? **stay soon for that :3**

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It was night Mikey was wondering what powers will Mikey get from the heart's?

Mikey:ok little foxes. Mmhmm... What powers do you give me?

Blue:well my power is electric
Yellow:my is mystic power like cystic chains
Red:well I'm like a suicide killer I do have power. You can make anything weapon
Orange:well I'm like yellow but different!

Mikey:wow that's cool! Of you foxes!... So you can change to heart's to foxes

Foxes:Yes we can but don't tell anyone ok?

Mikey:yeah I won't tell anyone!

The next day

Mikey was in the living going nothing
Mikey decide to explore the sewers. Mikey was exploring the sewers. Suddenly shredder attack Mikey

Mikey:!? What the!?!

Shredder:well hello turtles


Shredder:I see that you're alone here so I decided to end you for good..

Mikey and shredder we're fighting. Shredder block Mikey attacks and kicks Mikey on the floor

Shredder:ha. Useless child no one here to save you not even your brothers. No one cares about you. You always mess up everything

Mikey:tha-thats not true!

Shredder:what going to cry child

And then suddenly active his power. And Mikey could not control his body anymore

- to be continued


Hi guys I hope you enjoy and thanks for the support!
Have a nice day!

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