they found out!?:0/but has powers now!?

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**Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting I new chapter I was busy on school I'm back now please enjoy:3**

Mikey wake up on Donnie lad laying down on a bed.Leo raph and Donnie notice Mikey woke up.And Donnie talk to mikey

Donnie:mikey you're awake!....And can you explain why do you have a vape!?

Leo:yeah explain mikey!

Raph:where did you even got the vape!?

Mikey:uhh.... *sigh* ok fine

Mikey explain everything

Leo:you got it by a stranger!?!!!?
Raph:why would you take it!?!?!!
Donnie:what the guy said is a lie!! Mikey! This is bad to you!

Mikey:... I-im sorry guys

Raph:you should be
Leo:you would get lungs cancer!
Donnie:yeah Mikey!

*Mikey look down*

Mikey:I'm sorry I should've know better

Leo:*pet's Mikey head* you learn your lesson?


Leo:good go to your room now


Mikey goes to his room. Mikey sit on his bed

Mikey pov/mind

Ughh why do I feel sleepy again... Did I even sleep last night...? Let me just closed..... Uh? No no no again here..! Uh? Why is this different? Uh?

*glowing thing say to follow him*

You want me to follow you? Ok?

*Mikey follows it. It's go to some hearts*


*There was a yellow heart, red heart, Orgeron heart and a blue heat. And heart circles Mikey*


???:hello Mikey


???:the hearts chosen you. This hearts have power

Wait what

*and Mikey wake up*

Mikey:!?? Ohh

*Mikey notice the hearts and turns. To foxes*

Mikey:aww cute

Hey everybody! I got lazy again. Bye!

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