Part 18 - Get Along

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Third POV
It has been a few days and Toji's still being much of a person who doesn't like gay people. He changed his attitude thanks to the others but he still doesn't like gay people, even his son's relationship with a boy. Megumi finally forgave his father after somedays, that's the reason why he didn't mind that he was digust with his relationship with Yuji since he still expect that his father will get used to it either way.

Toji in disgust: Can ya'll gays stop flirting in front of me?
Megumi: Oh c'mon old man, you'll get use to it
Toji: Oi, I ain't just an old man dumbass
Megumi: I know, don't have to remind my ass

The others started laughing as Megumi's sarcasticness can be dumb.

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