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I don't even know why she even bullies me
To be honest
Like we used to be super close but then she just stopped talking to me
I have no clue why but then she
Is all bitchy about it
Like I'm her pet
In not an animal
I'm a living human that just wants to live my life the way I want it
I never bought I would end up here....
I'm done
I'm officially done with life
I texted Jack saying
'I'm gonna miss you...bye best friend 😔❤️'
Then I waked into my bathroom and looked for my razor
I started thinking to myself
Does Jack know I cut.
Will he.
I don't know
He's gonna find out eventually.
I know
You shouldn't do this.
I have to it's the only way out of this...

I stopped thinking about it because if I do
I'll chicken out of it.
My phone kept going off
They were texts from Jack
'What's going on'
'Jack why are you saying that?'
'Answer please'
'Tell me what's wrong or I'm coming over'
I typed
'Don't worry I'm fine....'

No I'm not
Why am I lying to him?
I got the blade and started saying

'His eyes ran out
of tears to shed.
So he forced his
skin to cry
Before I started to cut I decided to write a letter to Jack
'Dear Jack,
You are probably wondering why I said
I'm gonna miss you
It's because I really am
I'm sorry but I have to do this I'm sorry that I'm gonna hurt you
But this is only way out of it..I know we promised to never leave each other but
I'm done with life
Everything has just come down to hit rock bottom
And she just got the best of me
I know you don't know about it but
Don't worry about it trust me
So you can do your singing career with me
Because I'm horrible at it anyways and I'm sorry Jack but I just can't deal with all this pain it's killing me.. I
Will always be here but not physically but mentally I love you best friend...
I love you...
Love your best friend,
Jack Johnson ♡
And then I folded it and put it on my bed

I really am gonna miss Jack he was always there and now I'm the one who is leaving him...
If you think about it
People that make promises are the ones who break themed that'
But that's okay I guess because some promises are meant to be broken

Okay Jack I NEED to do this right now or it's never gonna happen
Okay here it goes I brought the razor to my skin and lightly dragged it across my wrist and then I felt that pleasure of the fresh cut
I missed this pleasure feeling
I cut
1 for being bullied
2 for Her hating me
3 because she bullies me
4 for leaving Jack worried
5 for breaking the promise
6 for not being here for Jack
7 for being a bad friend
I mean obviously I am because she hates
Me and I'm leaving Jack
So that makes me a bad friend
8 for not being man enough to stand up to her
9 for not telling me Jack about her
10 for being dumb enough to tell him
11 for being worthless
12 for being horrible at rapping
I cut the next ones even deeper and that's all I remember


I was doing my math homework when my phone went off
It was from Johnson saying
'I'm gonna miss you...bye best friend 😔❤️'
What the hell does he mean ? I kept texting back
'What's going on'
'Jack why are you saying that?'
'Answer please'
'Tell me what's wrong or I'm coming over'

'Don't worry I'm fine....'
'Jack don't lie to me I'm not stupid tell me or I'm coming over'
No reply
I continued to do my homework still worrying about Jack
What does he mean by that?
I've never seen him sad
He's always been happy but
Sometimes he's down
But I always...
'No Jack it's for the best'
'Are you sure 😕'
'Totally 😶'
Uh oh
He only uses that emoji when something is bothering him so now I know something is up for sure
I hope you liked this chapter
I actually kinda like this chapter
I don't know why though 🙎🏽
Should I do qotd?

Or nah?
Comment below please 👇🏽

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Bye 👋🏽✌🏽️

I Was His Bully {Jack Johnson}Where stories live. Discover now