Intel On The Inside

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With a fierce expression covering her face, Shadow Fox bursts into Star Labs and slams the door behind her. Confused and frightened, Cisco and Caitlin look on as she removes her mask and grumbles, "Coast City. They're already in Coast City." She explains to them that the moon will be full in just five days, and they may leave Coast City for Gateway City. "That means on the fifth day, they'll bring Batman back to Gotham and spread the laughing drugs throughout the city," She warns.

As everyone else watches and whispers to each other in concern, Hazelle paces the floor, trying to figure out what to do. She knows she needs to contact Robin but realizes someone else might have information. She remembers that Harley had expressed a desire to leave Joker and his men, and with a light smile grazing her lips, Hazelle picks up her phone and dials a number.

Her friend answers on the first ring, her voice filled with excitement and concern. "Hey! I'm glad you called me, Hazelle. I have something to tell you."

Hazelle turns her back to the Justice League as she speaks on the phone, asking, "What's going on?"

There's a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line as her friend responds, "Joker's moving the drugs. All evidence of it will be gone from the drugstore. I know you sent Robin and the Titans to stop him, but he came prepared. The drugs are being transported back to Bludhaven."

Hazelle sighs through her nose and whispers, "Harley, did you know they were going to put him in another van besides the white one? A thug admits that he's in Coast City now."

Harley's voice lowers in reply, "No, I didn't. I know Joker, Scarecrow, and Riddler kept him drugged here in Gotham for ten days. Then, they transported him to Metropolis on the eleventh day. As far as I know, they're keeping him sedated. If he wakes up, they drug him again."

Well, sugar, honey, iced tea. 

Hazelle, feeling stressed, rubs the bridge of her nose and decides that it is best to inform Robin about what she knows. Harley Quinn acknowledges her decision with a hum and warns Hazelle to be careful as she has to leave because Mr. J is coming. The phone buzzes, ending the call abruptly.

Hazelle lowers the phone from her ear and immediately dials Robin. She can feel the weight of the Justice League's stares on her back, especially Superman's. She realizes that his super-hearing must have caught her conversation with Harley, but she knows that it's not a priority at the moment. Robin finally answers her call, his voice sounding frustrated and tense, "Shadow Fox! The Titans and I are with the police force, but the drugstore is completely empty! Joker and all of the evidence are gone!"

Hazelle sighs, "Robin, I know..." Robin interrupts her, "How do you know!?" Hazelle rolls her eyes and decides to share what she knows, "I have intel, little brother. They told me the drugs were being moved back into Bludhaven. They don't know yet. But that isn't the only thing I wanted to tell you." Hazelle wants to inform Robin about something else, but she hesitates for a second, realizing that Superman and the rest of the Justice League are still present.

Robin falls silent for a moment and then asks, "What happened?" Hazelle takes a deep breath, afraid to tell him. She knows that his reaction will hurt her. "They moved Batman to another van - a black one - and they arrived in Coast City today. They might transfer him to Gateway City tomorrow and then to Gotham City in five days," She says. Robin finishes her sentence, understanding the situation, "I see," He says quietly. Hazelle groans and continues, "The thug who admitted this also claimed that on the full moon, they plan to spread the drugs across the entire city, and he won't be able to stop them." Shadow Fox pauses, sensing Robin's reaction. He grows silent on his end of the line.

Hazelle licks her dry lips, feeling the tension cross between them. Robin finally speaks, his voice hoarse and hollow, "Who... who was your intel, sis? If they're willing to help us, who are they?" Hazelle shifts on her feet, "Harley Quinn." Robin shouts, causing Hazelle to remove the phone from her ear, "HARLEY QUINN! ARE YOU NUTS? WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HER?!" Oh, brother... "Thanks for destroying my eardrum, Dick," Hazelle grumbles. 

Robin falls silent and then takes a deep breath, his voice shaky as he speaks, "I think I may have shouted that while standing near Commissioner Gordon," He confesses, his words weighted with guilt. Hazelle's complexion pales as she processes the severity of the situation. Robin continues, his voice initially muffled as if he is speaking through clenched teeth, but then it becomes clear again, "Gordon just asked me about what was said... I'm sorry," He apologizes, his tone contrite.

Hazelle rubs her tired eyes, trying to shake off the worry that has settled in her chest. "I'll talk to Gordon later about Harley's involvement and try to mitigate the damage," She resolves, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency, "Right now, I can feel a headache coming on, and I need to take a moment to collect my thoughts and come up with a plan of action," She adds, her voice softening with exhaustion.

Robin took a deep breath, his lips pressed into a tight line as he prepared to share the bad news. "Okay. I will tell Gordon the news," He said, his voice tense and solemn. Hazelle's heart sank as she hung up the phone.

Hazelle could feel the weight of their gazes upon her as she stood there, her eyes downcast and her thoughts racing. She knew what was coming next, and she braced herself for the inevitable outpouring of shock and disbelief.

Sure enough, as soon as she hung up, the room erupted into a chorus of gasps and exclamations. Hazelle could see the horror etched on their faces, the fear and uncertainty palpable in the air.

Feeling exhausted and drained, Hazelle let her arm drop like a dead weight and gestured for everyone to sit down. Superman stood with his arms crossed, his expression stern and unyielding. "So, Harley Quinn is your intel?" He asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

Hazelle collapsed into the nearest computer chair, her body slumping with exhaustion as she nodded mutely. "Yes," She said, her voice barely above a whisper, "Harley has been my friend for months. She told me six months ago that she wanted to leave Joker, start a new life, and get out of the abusive relationship that they had. She also informed me that she could give me information on Joker's plans, whereabouts, and other details."

Hazelle paused, her eyes flickering with emotion as she struggled to contain the flood of memories and feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. "She told me nearly three weeks ago about Joker's laughing drugs," She continued her voice low and measured, "That's why I went looking for Batman. I knew that we had to act fast before Joker had a chance to carry out his plans."

As she spoke, Hazelle could feel the weight of their scrutiny upon her, as though they were trying to judge her worthiness based on her association with Harley. But she refused to let their doubts and suspicions get to her. After all, she knew deep down that she was doing what was right, no matter what the cost.

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