Waking Up Trapped

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Batman woke up in a state of disorientation, feeling queasy and disorientated. He struggled to suppress a groan and gradually opened his eyes. His initial vision was blurred, and his eyes felt scratchy and dehydrated. He blinked several times, and the blur began to dissipate, though his eyes still throbbed with an aching pain. He felt a chill rising up from his extremities, and as he tried to move, he realized that cold, unyielding metal restraints clamped down his wrists, ankles, and chest. 

Bruce gingerly tried to move his head, but his neck muscles popped and strained painfully. He looked around the dimly lit room, trying to gather his bearings. In the shadows, he could make out the faint hum of machinery and the metallic clang of a conveyor belt running to his left. He squinted his eyes and saw a few metal crates slowly moving down the conveyor belt, labeled with the words 'GATEWAY TECH' in bold letters. 

Bruce's sharp mind raced as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Gateway Tech? What was that all about? He turned his head to the right and saw an EXIT sign above a door, the only light source in the room. But the room was windowless, and the air was musty and stale, making it impossible to tell whether it was day or night outside. 

As Bruce's gaze drifted down, he noticed that he was strapped to a cold, complex steel table, and medical tools were neatly arranged on a smaller table beside him. He couldn't help but shudder at the sight of the ominous devices, realizing that he was in a precarious and perilous situation and needed to act quickly to extricate himself from this predicament. 

The room is deathly quiet, and the only sound that can be heard is the thudding of Batman's heart and his labored breathing. He's struggling against the restraints, the metal chains that bind him rattling against the table. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through his chest, causing him to gasp. He feels another jolt of pain in his wrists and ankles, and he clenches his jaw in response. He stops moving, trying to relax his body and ease the pain. Gradually, his breathing slows, and the sharp pain fades away. 

As he looks around, he notices that the chains have tiny teeth that are digging into his suit and his skin. He raises an eyebrow in surprise and slowly moves his right wrist, watching as the small teeth on the chain reach through his suit and poke into his skin. Despite the discomfort, he remains calm and focused, determined to find a way to escape his restraints and uncover the truth behind his captivity. 

Bruce Wayne, the brooding superhero, scrutinizes his right hand. His movements are slow and deliberate as he reveals the palm of his hand. There, he sees a small button on the glove, which he presses carefully with his middle finger. A tiny red light begins to blink, and he breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that his tracking device, for Foxy, is still intact. 

He turns his attention to the crates labeled Gateway and realizes that he's in Gateway City. This is Wonder Woman's hometown, a place he has never been before. Suddenly, the exit door opens, and four shadowy figures approach him. Batman quickly hides the blinking light, his senses heightened as Scarecrow, Riddler, Joker, and Harley Quinn surround him. 

The Joker's twisted grin widens, and he speaks up, "Glad to see you again, Batman. It's been a few weeks." Batman narrows his eyes, trying to recall what has happened to him during this time. He wonders if they have done something to him that he's not aware of besides being drugged. Meanwhile, Scarecrow and Riddler gather tools from the table, preparing for their next move.  

Harley Quinn stood tall at the head of the table, where Batman was bound and strapped down. Her eyes darted back and forth between the Joker and Batman, her expression a mix of sadness and apprehension. The Joker, cackling maniacally, explained his nefarious plan: "My laughing drugs are far more potent than any laughing gas! Haha! And now that they're complete and ready, your apprentice, Shadow Fox, won't be able to stop me. I have her on a wild goose chase. Hahaha!" 

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