Chapter 4

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Elaine looked at me expectantly, not unlike an old grade school teacher asking if you were passing notes in class.

"I had a run-in with a rather unscrupulous character," I said, being purposely vague.

She didn't need to know my business. She regarded me for a few seconds, like she was waiting to see if she could prompt me into revealing more. When I didn't, she sighed and pushed herself off of the stretcher.

"Well, have a seat then."

She prodded at my neck, poking at random spots. I didn't give her the satisfaction of wincing at the pain.

"Swallow." She held her hands at the front of my neck. "Does it hurt to swallow or breathe?"

"Not anymore."

"Any random pains?"

"Just from your poking," I said with a little too much force. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Difficulty turning your head?"

I shook my head for emphasis.

"I think you'll be fine. There doesn't appear to be any permanent damage. The bruising should be gone completely in a few days or so." She dusted off her hands.

I got up and reached for my backpack, her words stilling my hands.

"I hope whoever did that to you, got what they deserved."

My backpack jingled with the extra antibiotics I had stashed. We wouldn't need that many, so I pulled out a bottle and placed it on her desk. She looked up and took the bottle in hand.

"Consider it payment," I shrugged as she gazed at me.

"Thank you. These are getting harder to come by," she nodded as she placed them among the other bottles in her cabinet, like a found artifact.

I left the office and headed back towards the common area. The smell of tomato sauce wafted into the hallway. The people inside were all slurping away on spaghetti, but I couldn't see the source.

"Bailey!" Chloe waved at me from one of the plastic tables propped up.

I walked over. Her lips were stained tomato red, like a childish rendition of lipstick.

"Where'd you get the spaghetti from?" I asked, the tangy smell making my stomach growl.

"Apartment 1F, it's just down the hall. Go help yourself to some," Roy instructed.

I put down my backpack and set off in search of hot food. I can't even remember the last time I ate spaghetti. There was a larger set man inside the apartment kitchen serving up to the line of people. He passed me a plate with a smile when it was my turn.

"Thank you," I said politely.

"You're most certainly welcome, miss," he winked at me, reminding me of an old neighbor at home. He seemed friendly enough, the corner of his eyes crinkling with his action.

When I got back to the common area, Chloe had already eaten her entire plate. Guilt flared. I had been too preoccupied with the drive that I had forgotten to check to see if she was hungry and she didn't say anything along the way.

"Want some more?" I motioned to my full plate.

"No, I'm stuffed," she patted her stomach.

After I scarfed down my food, I noticed that we were getting looks from all over the room. Everyone was curious about the new strangers. Or leery.

"Wanna play cards?" Amanda asked Chloe, clearly happy to have a new playmate.

"Sure, Go Fish?" Amanda nodded at Chloe's suggestion and produced a well-used deck. "We're missing a few cards, so we will have to take those out."

This Would Be Paradise (Book 2)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now