Old Friends

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I stepped out of the airport and was surrounded by warmth. I took a deep breath as I looked around. Being back in Hawaii was nice. I couldn't wait to relax on the beach, the sounds of the ocean and the sun.

"Commander Brookes?" A voice called out.

My head swiveled toward the voice and I groaned. Standing in front of a black SUV was an older woman with short blonde hair in a suit. She watched me expectantly and I slowly made my way over hoisting my duffle bag over my shoulder.

"What can I do for you Governor?" I asked as I stopped in front of her.

"Mills called and told me that you would be arriving today, and something about how I need to put you to work before you go off the deep end?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"He's just mad I left, I'm allowed to do what I want after getting out of the Navy." I replied rolling my eyes. "I'm on vacation I'm not looking for a job."

"How long are you planning on staying?"

"I have a hotel booked for two weeks so far."

"And after that?"

"I make it up as I go."

"Well for those two weeks you will be working with the Hawaii 5-O task force," She responded motioning for me to get in the vehicle as she dialed on her phone.

I stood there a moment eyes narrowed. "What part of vacation is missed?"

"The part where you get bored easily and somehow always end up at the trouble anyways so might as well end up at the trouble and help with a group. You will get paid as well. Two weeks then you decide if you stay or go." She responded with the phone up to her ear.

With a defeated sigh I climbed into the back of the SUV.

"-yes I'm bringing someone new to the task force. You two know each other," The Governor said into the phone as she slid in.

"I know a lot of people, and dislike even more," I said loudly so whoever was over the phone could hear.

"Yes that is Commander Brookes." She replied with a side eye toward me as the car pulled out. "No I don't believe she knows you're working there I have told her no names."

"Which isn't helpful especially if I'm suppose to be friendly," I said loudly again so the phone could hear.

The Governor let out a laugh. "I was told to ask if you had your coffee yet?"

"It's Eight in the morning and I just got off a Red eye flight then got thrown in a car, at what point would I have been able to have coffee? Let alone good coffee?" I asked with a glare.

The Governor was silent as the person on the phone seemed to be replying to what I said. I watched straining my ears in an attempt to hear but the sound of the car overpowered any voice on the other end of the phone.

"We will be there in about twenty minutes." Was the last thing the Governor said before she ended the call.

I leaned back into the seat and stared out the window watching the hustle of Hawaii pass by. The white noise of the car and the late night flight had my mind going numb until the car stopped. I shook my head trying to restart my brain as I glanced out of the window. We were at a beautiful building. The Governor threw open the door and motioned me to follow. Picking up my bag I followed.

She said a few words to the security desk before he waved us in looking at me curiously. My eyes flitted around the interior making a mental note of the doors, exits and windows as a just in case. The Governor led me up a flight of stairs. On this floor was glass offices. Most of them where empty aside from a large meeting room where three people where standing around looking at a table. She pushed the door open and we stepped inside as they all glanced at us.

"What do we owe this pleasure Governor? The lady asked as she glanced to me.

"Where is Steve?"

"I thought you said I would know them?" I said my gazing taking in the three people standing in front of me. "I have a pretty good memory and can say I don't know these people."

"No but I think you know me," A males voice said from behind me.

I whipped around adrenaline racing through me, annoyed I hadn't been paying enough attention to hear someone come up behind me. The man standing there was tall, a little bit of scruff on his face and his brown hair cut short. I broke into a smile as I looked at him.


Before I could say anything else he pulled me into a one armed hug. "It's been to long Ali," he said squeezing me tight.

I pulled away and he handed me an Starbucks cup. I took it an eyebrow raised.

"Iced Carmel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle just the way you like it. I would have been here on time just thought you would need a peace offering after a flight and being dragged down here."

I took the drink and took a long sip. "Peace offering accepted."

The Governor cleared her throat and I turned around, Steve's arm tightening around my shoulders so I was still at his side.

"I told you, someone you know."

"But you left out that it was McGarrett, if you would have told me it was him I would have gone with out question."

"He was the one that asked me not to tell as soon as he recognized your voice," she replied as her phone rang. She glanced down at it then back at us. "All I ask is two weeks Commander." She then clicked answer and strode out of the room.

"Ali I would like to introduce you to my team." Steve said motioning to the three people who watched us curiously.

The young Asian stepped forward with his hand outstretched. "Chin Ho Kelly."

"Aliyah Brookes," I responded with a smile taking him in.

He's black hair was neatly combed back. He was tall and walked with confidence. His hand shake was firm and quick as he stepped back to the table.

The woman steps forward next. She had shoulder length black hair and had a friendly smile on her face. "Kono Kalakauna."

I shook her hand smiling back and then my gaze switched to the last one. He unlike the others was dressed up in a button up shirt complete with a tie and dress pants and his gun strapped to his hip. His blonde hair was slicked back and his blue eyes where flickering from Steve back to me.

"The Governor just assigned someone to your time and you didn't pitch a fit what is this?"

"If it was anyone else I would refuse. Ali here is always welcome and would be an asset to the team. I've worked with her a lot."

"Worked with her where and on what? What are these skills?" The blonde man asked his gaze going back to me.

"That's classif-" Steve started to say.

"If I hear that's classified one more time for a question my head might explode," the man said pinching the bridge of his nose. He then stepped forward holding out his hand.

I stepped forward to meet him pulling out of Steve's grip as I took his hand.

"Daniel Williams but call me Danny."

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