Chasing Leads

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A man jumped around the corner his gun pointed right at Danny. Before Danny could respond Steve jumped out from behind the door slamming the guys arm and shoved him against the wall with his own gun pushed against his throat.

"Five-0 move and I'm going to kill you okay?" Steve said before digging in the guys wallet and tossing it to Danny.

Steve took the gun and stepped back allowing the guy to turn around as Danny went through the wallet. Steve continued stepped back till he was at my side the gun still pointed at the man as Danny read off the name of the guys an informed us he was a PI.

I watched the guy, Kurt Miller carefully. He's eyes was flickering from each of our faces. I could tell he was annoyed and angry at the fact he had been taken down so easily. However he also has a cocky smirk on his face telling me he wasn't worried at all.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to step around Danny but he didn't budge to allow me to pass.

"You don't seem to be a cop I could as you the same thing."

"I got called into work didn't have time to get ready," I said dryly. "We are working a case."

"I'm working a case too." He responded keeping his answers short and making sure not to give away to much detail.

"Your work involves Erica and Jake?" I asked motioning to the pictures as Steve's phone went off.

He stepped away to another room to answer it while Danny motioned at the man to sit down.once he said Danny holstered his guy and tossed the wallet back at the guy.

"You seem to know how to answer questions and not answer questions all at once," I said leaning against the wall.

Kurt just looked at me silently. Danny let out a sigh as he came and stood beside me. Nothing in Kurts body languagegabe away that he seemed anxious or stress. He seemed completely calm under pressure.

"You use to be a cop didn't you?" I asked and for once a flicker of surprise crossed his face and he showed a faint grin.

"I did use to be a cop. That's why I know how this looks. An abduction, one person missing still and you find me here with some photos."

"Some?" Danny asked picking up the stack of photos. "You're more on stalker territory there are at least 200 photos here of them!"

"I won't say anything else without my council, so book me if you must," Kurt said calmly as Steve came back into the room.

Steve looked at Danny with his mouth open about to say something.

"Don't, don't say it," Danny said annoyed as he saw Steve's face.

"Say what?" I asked confused.

"Book 'em Danno," Steve whispered in my ear.

I burst out laughing as Danny sent us a glare but quickly stopped as Steve's serious demeanor returned as he strode closer to the man.

"We book you it's going to be for murder one."

"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked glancing between us and folding his hands in his lap tightly, giving away he knows felt anxious.

"Jake Harris is dead, they found his body in the hotel."

The man's face dropped. His calm and sure mask sliding off. He looked down at the ground and let out a long sigh. He stayed silent staring at the carpet.

"His dad was one of my old friends, I've been working with him for over twenty years. Jake was like family," he finally said. "Nancy Harris heard about the engagement and hired me to prove that Erica was a gold digger."

"Jake's mother?" Steve asked and Kurt nodded. "How long where you following them?

"I got here after the wedding and followed about a week but stopped two days ago."

"Why stop two days ago?"

"Because she wasn't a gold digger was she?" I asked softly.

Kurt shook his head looking back at us. "The way she loved Jake there's no faking that."

"The calls from Erica's phone to here the other night do you know about that?" Danny asked.

"I got made, Jake spotted me and demanded I back off and seeing the proof of her not being a gold digger I listened."

"Can I take these," I asked taking the pile of photos from Danny. "Might be something in the photos to give us a clue at least."

"If it helps catch Jake's killer they are all yours," Kurt said sadly.

"I'm very sorry for you loss," I said softly as I stepped out of the room quickly followed by Danny.

He walked beside me in silence to the car. I leaned again the car with a sigh and rest my head at the roof staring up at the overly blue sky. The sun was warm, laughter and voices carried from the beach.

"You okay?" Danny asked softly using the same tone with Erica as if I was a frightened puppy about to run.

"I hate death," I mumbled. "With the things we did as SEALS you think I'd be better at it like Steve..... But watching the faces drop of the people you have to tell... And then walk outside and the world just going on like normal."

Danny leaned against the car beside me. "I remember the first time I had to break that news. It was to a mother to let her know her eight year old son had passed away in a drive by shooting. It was a week after I got out of the academy." Danny said with a sigh. I raised my head to look at him. "I remember the feeling and the look on her face and I kept telling myself it has to get easier."

"But it doesn't," I said softly and without thinking I rested my head on his arm.

"I think when it does get easy is when it's time to hang up the badge," Danny said softly.

Steve strode out of the room running his hand through his hair coming over to us.  "I called Erica's tail we have to go let her know the news before we head back to HQ."

"Can you just drop me off at my hotel? I think I'm tapped out and if you're just telling her I don't need to be involved." I said lifting my head off Danny's arm.

"We have to go over the evidence after this, and you aren't staying at a hotel for two weeks." Steve answered getting in the Camaro.

"Excuse me?" I responded as I crawled into the back.

"I will call the hotel tell them to give you a full refund you're staying with me."

"You're so overbearing," I growled.

"You know you love me."

"So he's like this with you too?" Danny asked glancing back at me.

"Annoying? Pushy? Bossy? Has to-"

"Helpful. I am helpful," Steve interrupted causing Danny and I to both laugh.

Steve pulled into a parking lot and put the car in park. Sitting on the rocks over looking at the sunset over the ocean was Erica. Steve signed and then turned to look at me. He glanced at Erica then toward me an eyebrow raised.

"I'd rather not." I said quietly.

"Still just as big a softy," Steve said with a faint smile. "Danny I got this one stay here with Ali."

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