First Case

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Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me from Danny's grip as he lead me over to the table.

"Catch us up on the case," He to Kono as he looked at the photos on the electronic table.

"Victims name is Erica Harris she is 26 found in the forest with nothing but a night gown. She was very disoriented and dehydrated and doesn't even remember being taken. Husband is Jake Harris but he is no where to be found. We talked to her in her hospital room and she remembered waking up in a dark and cold room and her hands and feet where tied but she isn't sure how she got out."

"So our next course of action is to find where he husband went." I said looking at the photos of the woman's injuries.

"The mother in law seems to think that Erica is the reason her son is missing. She was in the hospital when we were walking out." Danny said from my right. "Seems to think Erica is just a gold digger."

"Erica has about a hundred grand in debt which is why the mother in law thinks she's a gold digger." Kono replied.

"Hotel reports the room wasn't broken into and there where no calls from the room. However the night they went missing Erica called the front desk five times."

"Maybe we go have a chat with Erica again is she out of the hospital?" Steve asked glancing at Kono.

She nodded in response. "You guys chat with her see if you can find anything and we will go to the hotel room and see if we can find anything there."

"Ali you're with me and Danny. Go out your stuff in my office."

I groaned. "I just got off an overnight flight and you are going to make me work right now? Do I look dressed for work?"

I gestured toward my pajama shorts, tank top and flip flops.

"It will be fine for today it's not like we are going hiking." He said his eyes looking me up at down before turning to talk to Chin and Kono.

"Of course it is," I grumbled as i took another long drink of the coffee.

"It gets worse with how bossy he is."

I glanced beside me to see Danny standing there with his arms crossed watching Steve.

"How long have you known Steve?" I asked.

"A few months now, was working his dad's case and he just showed up at the active crime scene then called the Governor to be put on the case when we argued about it."

I burst out laughing at that. "Sounds just like him. So now you guys are your own little task force?"

"Something like that," Steve said coming over. "Come on let's go, Erica is stillatthe hospital at the moment lets ask a few more questions."

I followed Steve and Danny outside to a silver Camaro which Steve went around to the driver's side.

"I have to say I never thought you would get a sports car."

"It's not his," Danny grumbled from beside me. "He's just bossy and has to drive all the time."

Danny held the door open for me and I crawled into the back seat. The car pulled out and I quickly zoned the bickering of Steve and Danny out, and before I knew it we had arrived at the hospital. We piled out of the car and found Erica sitting on a bench outside the doors.

"Erica we have some questions for you," Steve said striding up to her.

She looked at them expectedly her gaze skipping right over me.

"There were five calls from your phone the night of your abduction to a local hotel."

"I'm not sure what you mean I didn't call  anyone the other night?" She answered confused.

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