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"Did you eat?"


"I said, did you eat? A servant was supposed to come by and bring you your dinner," Axel stated.

"Oh, yes. I received my dinner."

"Was it tasty? Castle servants get far better options."

"I don't know. I haven't eaten."

"Why not?"

"I lost my appetite."

Axel huffed as he stopped and turned to me. "I thought we agreed to cheer up."

"I am cheered up. I just..."

"Tell me," he insisted.

"Do you think I'm a whore?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.

"Why would I think you're a whore?"

"The girl that came to my room called me a whore; the princess's whore, to be exact. What does that mean?"

"A whore is someone who—"

"I know what a whore is, but why would she call me the princess's whore? What does that mean?"

"Well, are you familiar with every position at the castle?"

"No, I only know the lower positions. Why do you ask?"

Axel sighed as he looked around the servant's quarters. "I'll have to tell you another time. What did the girl look like?"

"She had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a distasteful personality," I scowled.

"That doesn't help me much. The castle has many blonde devils. Look at me, for example." Axel pointed to his short golden hair, and I snickered as I searched for a better description.

"Umm...the girl had a scar on her chin, and I think she gnaws on her fingernails. They were incredibly short."

His face lit up in recognition. "The girl's name is Jess, and her place is in the dwellings with every other low and medium-ranked servant. Jess works in the kitchens and can't venture far from her station. What else did she say?"

"Jess called me an anomaly."

"Ooh, that's a big word for her. Did she use it correctly?"

I covered my mouth as I snickered some more. "Don't jest. That girl angered me."

"You outrank her, Sayora, so don't let her words get to you. I'll arrange for someone else to deliver your food from now on. If Jess bothers you again, I won't hesitate to inform the princess, and she'll have Jess whipped."

"No, don't tell the princess. That would be unnecessary. I'll ignore her."

"If you say so." Axel turned and continued walking, refraining from mentioning Jess once we left the servant's quarters. It wasn't until we halted before two guards, who were also lycan warriors, that Axel resumed speaking. "Have fun," he murmured in my ear. 

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, she only asked for you." The guards opened the door, causing a waft of steam to caress my face. Axel then nudged me forward, and I gingerly followed the flickering candles until I saw Karina, who beckoned me forward with a quick flip of her finger.

"Good evening, Princess." I hastened my steps before bowing.

"Grab a cloth, remove your clothes, and join me."

I stuttered a bit at her instruction. Why would she want me to join her? Do royals normally bathe with their servants? I think I held Karina's gaze too long because she immediately dropped her smile. "Or not," she sighed. "If your timidness prevents you from joining me, tell Axel to come here. You may leave and return to your room for the night."

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