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Khirus' POV

When Kane confronted me about the human girl yesterday, I intentionally minimized my fascination for her. In truth, she intrigued me the night of The Gathering, and seeing her again on the steps tickled a petty urge within my body. I even dreamt of the girl last night, recalling the image of Sayora in that tantalizing dress and how it failed to support her ample breasts. My inescapable dreams often encompass nothing but loss and violence, so seeing Sayora's charming face was a pleasant surprise, and her presence provided a temporary escape from the turmoil.

How odd.

I have never dreamt of a girl I have never touched. Yet, I could somehow feel Sayora's skin beneath my fingertips, as if I had explored her body numerous times and carved every inch of her into memory.

How odd.

The remnants of my dream lingered considerably this morning, stirring my cock almost painfully. I inhaled sharply and shut my eyes, still able to detect the smell of Sayora's arousal seeping from within her. On impulse, I immersed myself in my senses and began searching for the girl, embarking on a quest to locate her scent within the castle.

How odd, indeed.

Either Kane was right, and I was in desperate need of a good fuck, or my mind was playing tricks on me. Either way, this new human had me amused and thoroughly entertained.

"My king? Are you listening?"

I sighed as I opened my eyes to regard everyone's stares. "No," I answered truthfully.

"I...well...do you need a respite? We can reconvene later," continued Lynnette, one of my Elders.

"No. Whoever was speaking may continue."

"It was your turn, my king. Marcellus said you had a proposal to discuss," said Esther.

I nodded before readjusting myself at the head of the table, eyeing every council member as we sat in the assembly room. I quickly ceased my search for Sayora and cleared my thoughts. "Right. I want to draft another campaign to acquire more lycans from neighboring packs. I want to delegate more responsibilities, rotate existing positions more frequently, and station additional warriors throughout our lands, even in human villages."

"Your Royalness, our lands have been undisturbed for years: no attacks or sightings, and our security is the strongest it has ever been. Do we honestly need more?" Elex questioned.

"Lycan territory is extensive; it is the largest of all the realms and will never be fully secured. All may seem calm now, but I believe war is inevitable, Lord Elex. The notion of safety is only a ruse; it is a ploy to keep us complacent. I need to ensure our defenses stay fortified, and I can only achieve that by training more warriors and decreasing burnout within the royal army."

"How will we make room for recruits? The barracks are already full," Caspian expressed.

"It is simple: We will expand as we did after those leeches murdered my father. May he rest peacefully with the gods," I recited out of respect. Every Elder then halted as they repeated my words.

"But, my king, what new incentives will you give to make our fellow lycans uproot their lives and abandon their families? We cannot mandate the draft, or people will start to rebel against the Crown," stated Burton.

"Is war not incentive enough? Is death not a promising motivator to strike determination within the hearts of every lycan?"

"Yes, but that will not be enough," he argued. "Expanding the draft might cause strife amongst the strata of lycan society, and I do not believe it is wise to displace more homes just yet."

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