Chapter 10: Your First Mission

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You had just taken a nice long shower, and were sitting on the couch on your phone. You were ready for a calm evening, maybe some board games and ice cream?

Then, all of a sudden, Clint ran into the room.

"Kid," He slid in, "Mission, let's go."

What? Your first mission with them, and you weren't even dressed!

You leapt off the couch and ran with him to the Quin jet.

This was going to be fun.


Nat had an extra catsuit in the jet, and it thankfully fit you. Your hair had already started to dry and you were sitting next to Clint on the seats.

He was texting someone (His wife, you assumed) and seemed a little anxious, so you decided to pray for him in your head.

Hopefully one day you'd be able to do it out loud, but right now you just weren't confident enough.

Steve was flying the plane (How they trusted him to do that after the last time, you had no idea.) so you prayed from him as well. You also prayed for Tony, then Pepper, then Natasha, and at that point you just prayed for the whole team.

Natasha had told you that you all were going to be going in some "secret lair" and de-programming something (which meant you had to do computer work, lovely). She and you were going to be the ones to actually de-program it, the others were just there to take down agents and other "bad guys".

You were kind of excited but also a little scared. What if you messed up everything and then they all hated you forever? What if you got kidnapped and they couldn't find you? What if you were working on the computer and then you got shot in the back of the head?

All these what if's were starting to get to your head, but you told yourself to not let them affect you. You were chosen for a reason. You could do this.

The jet landed and brought you out of your thoughts.

"Y/N," Nat got up, "You ready?"

You pushed yourself up off the seat, "Mhm." You nodded.

She handed you a small handgun. You made a face at her.

"Just in case. Put it in your duty rig." She pointed to the belt like thing on your waist.

You carefully put it in and then followed her out of the jet.

Tony and Thor had already started to fly around the perimeter of the area, and Steve, Clint, and Hulk were in the building. Jeez, how long did you zone out for?

The journey inside the building was not hard, and you and Nat found the main computer very quickly.

There was one man sitting there, typing something out.

Nat took out her Glock and aimed for his head. You covered your ears and prepared for the shot.

She pressed the trigger, making you flinch and killing the guy instantly.

You both ran to the computer. She pushed the guy to the ground and you sat in the chair, hacking into the mainframe. Gosh, you were gonna have to take another shower after this.

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