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Red was playing with Reuben when all of the sudden it got darker. He looked up and raised an eyebrow. The sky was cloudless, it was early and he couldnt figure out where the darkness came from... Somone tapped Red's shoulder, he quickly turned around making everything pitch black exept 2 white eyes... "Who are you?" He tried to focus his eyes till he heard the same voice he heard in his dream. "You did this." Red flinched as the shadow figure became clear. "Herobrine?" He looked in his eyes. "Red! You reconize me, don't you?" Herobrine flew closer to Red. "N-no! i won't let you hurt my friends!" The white eyed man stared at him. "No, i wont hurt them. I will make sure you will tho..." Red blinked and everything became lighter, he heard voices then everything became to light. Then black."

"Red are you okay?" Asked Blue as he trembled to his brother. Yellow was right behind him. "Uhh why is he just staring to nothing?" Blue took Red's shoulder and shaked it slightly. "Hello?" Yellow inpected it for a second and realized. "He is in some kind of trance!" Blue looked up at his twin brother. "W-well how do we snap him out of it?!" Yellow shook his head. "We can't, we don't know what he is seeing." Blue had a worried face as he yelled: "SECOND!" He continued shaking Red's shoulders, not a single reaction. Not even 10 seconds later TSC walked over at Blue, Yellow and Red. "Whats wrong?" Blue waited a few seconds before he started explaining. TSC just looked at him and said. "So you telling me Red is in a sort trance and you guys dont kno-" Red collapsed at the ground. "RED!"



"Urgh... Where am i?" I asked looking around. "You're awake!" I flinched of the sudden voice, it was Blue. "What happened?" I asked. "Uhm well..." Blue started. "We dont exactly know, Yellow said you were in a sort of trance and then you passed out." I let out a sigh. "Now i remember." Blue pulled up an eyebrow. "What did you saw tho?" I looked at him. "It was about the nightmare i had."

"Hey chef, can you make lunch, oh i see you're finally awake Red!" Green stormed the room in. I frowned. "Finally? how long was i out?" Green looked back at me. "Uhhh, like... 3 hours or smth"

"Jeez... Im kinda hungry tho." I admitted. "I'll make you guys some food, you good to go downstairs?" Blue asked me. "Im fine, lets just go." I nodded.

(Yall have any ideas? i didnt prepare this book enough nor to expect over 100 readers-)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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