Chapter Six: Charlotte

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It has been a week since I went out with Nate. We have been spending the evenings together. I could not get enough of that cowboy. I am finally feeling like I belong in this small town. I have not felt this way in years, and I could get used to this place. I have not felt this way in an exceptionally long time, and I am finding my true self again.

I have friends here who love me for who I am and not for what I have. They did not care that I came from money or the fact that I would never have to worry about it. They are the only ones who know that my parents left me more than I will ever need. I really need to investigate ways to contribute to this town. It is my home now after all and I will do what I can to help the community.

"Charley!" Bella exclaimed waving her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked as I blinked and glanced around at my surroundings.

"You zoned out again."

"I guess I did. What's up?" I have been doing that a lot and most of the time it is about Nate.

"I should be asking you that. What is going on in that head of yours? Wait, let me guess. Are you daydreaming about Nathan again?" Bella laughed as she clapped her hands and jumped in place. Excitement flashed in her eyes and a big Cheshire grin covered her face.

"Okay, okay. You caught me red handed. I was thinking about him, you, and Maddie. Also, how I believe that I took the right path in staying here. I was thinking of how lucky I am to have you all in my life." I confessed to one of my best friends.

"That's right and you better not forget it."

"I will never forget. How are you and Grayson doing?" Trying to turn the conversation to her.

"Grayson." Bella replied shaking her head in disappointment.

"Oh no. What did he do?"

"He doesn't seem to get the fact that I want to be more than friends. It's like he is not really seeing me. I do not know what to do." Bella said. Her voice cracked as she finished speaking.

"What all have you tried?" I am determined to help her in any way that I could. Even if it meant being a listening ear for her to vent to.

"So far, I have only been giving little signs but, I am starting to think that I need to step up my game. Go big or go home, right? I think that is the saying anyway." Bella smirked.

"I believe so. What do you have planned?" I asked with curiosity laced in my voice. I was curious to see what she would come up with.

"I must make my intentions more noticeable. I will be more hands on with him and if that doesn't work, I am just going to kiss him. I will make the first big move if I must."

"Do you think you could do it?"

"Oh, I know that I can."

"Do you think it would come to that?" I asked. I was so focused on Bella that I did not hear the bell over the front entrance ring.

"What are y'all talking about?" Nate asked as he stood across from me. The only thing separating us was the counter. He wore his signature dark blue jeans, a tight-fitting black tee and his black cowboy hat sat atop his head. Could he get any more attractive? I could not take my eyes away from the man standing before me.

"Nothing." Bella stumbled out, tripping over one word. Was she embarrassed? Her cheeks have a red tint to them. She turned and ran to the back room. Yep, she was embarrassed, and I do not know what all Nate overheard.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked as he stared after her retreating form. Confusion and amusement swam in his big sea green orbs. It was so easy to get lost in them. His eyes moved to meet mine and he gave me a lopsided grin. Did he know that I was thinking about him?

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