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     The only way to deal with an unfair world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

     As I stroll down the outdoor corridor, my melancholic footsteps resound through the night, one after the other. The echoes fill the empty hallway. They overpower the peaceful chirping of the insects and nocturnal creatures around me. It's as if they too feel the heavy tension in me. I hear a familiar voice in the distance. It's muffled yet clear. The person is speaking on the phone in low, sullen tones. It is crucial, and I can sense the weight of the conversation in my teacher's voice.

     I approach my destination with a large wooden door, and metal lining and rings greet me. With a deep breath, I pull the door open. Its bellowing old wood makes no subtle entrance. The dimly lit main room has scattered shadows. Flickering candles adorn the sleek wooden walls, its immense space is daunting. This creates a mesmerizing effect. The candles find a cozy spot in spaces excavated from sturdy wooden pillars that are dispersed across the room. However, the tension in the air is so thick and palpable that it almost suffocates me. I can't help but wonder if I am the only one who feels this way.

     This room holds many memories from the last few years. It started with my first day at orientation when I met my few new classmates, Shoko and Satoru. Then came the countless lessons on sorcery that I have learned here. The walls radiate strength and history, but tonight, all I feel is a crushing weight on me.

     As I meet my teacher's gaze, a surge of emotion washes over me, apprehension and fear.

     "Yaga-Sensei, I'm here as requested," my voice spills out, my arms find their place at my sides and I offer a bow.

     "Geto Suguru, thank you for coming. Your timing is impeccable, as always." His tone fills with gratitude, a soft, subtle smile on his lips. I waste no time getting to it.

     "I'd like to get straight to the point, Sensei."

     "Of course," he nods in agreement. " I was discussing the last mission with the higher-ups regarding the unfortunate outcome with Riko Amanai. I understand the sensitivity of the situation-"

     "Sensei, I appreciate your patience in this matter, but there's no need for formalities. I know sorcerers often fail. I couldn't do my part this time," I say as I bow. My heart sinks at the mention of her name. I knew we'd have this talk. But the idea of reliving that failed mission makes my stomach drop.

     "Don't worry about it, Geto. Considering the circumstances, nothing could be done. As sorcerers, we carry our regrets with us until the end of our lives, but don't let this be one of them. You are both strong." Our eyes meet once more, and I nod. "I'm advocating for you and Gojo Satoru to have the rest of the week off to recover from your injuries. I apologize, it's all I can do. We will need to discuss future missions and exorcisms once you have rested."

     "I understand. Thank you, Sensei." I turn and motion to exit the room. I take a step towards the door. But his voice pierces the air.

     "One more thing before you go." I freeze. "If you come across Gojo, please tell him to come find me. I'll be reaching out soon to delve into this further. Goodnight Geto."

     "Goodnight Sensei." I shut the large framed door behind me. My insides churn with a mix of emotions, almost enough to make me sick. I descend towards the dorms and struggle to keep my thoughts in order, my mind in disarray. A deep sigh fills my lungs with the fresh air of the summer night. The school will be on break soon, which hardly means our work is over. If I weren't so troubled by my thoughts, I'd be more appreciative of the lush greenery that surrounds me and blankets the campus. I wander aimlessly. A familiar silhouette snaps me back to reality, her signature smoke trail in tow no less.

     "Hey Shoko, have you seen Satoru?"

     "Eh, not recently. Why did something happen?"

     "No, no," I shake my head, "Sensei wanted to see him," I won't delve into why, not as if Shoko doesn't know about that mission, but if I bring it up now, I know I'll vomit. "We got the rest of the week off."

     "Oh I see, hmm," she tilts her head side to side with her hand up to her mouth."There's a spot I've seen him visit sometimes when skipping classes. It's behind the dorm building. You could try there."

     "Gotcha, thanks Shoko." She waves sweetly with a corresponding nod before she stomps out her cigarette and heads into the dorms.

     I proceed to a densely wooded area behind the dorms, following Shoko's description with a sense of determination. The wind bellows through the thicket. It makes twigs and loose leaves dance. The cool night air brushes against my nose and cheeks. It sends a shiver down my spine. I forge ahead and part the branches, and do this until I reach a serene pond. Its surface has smooth rocks covered in delicate algae. It looks as if some time has passed since this clearing had visitors.

     I shift my gaze and scan the surroundings until my eyes rest on their target - Satoru. He is oblivious to my presence. He crouches by the water's edge. His hand caresses the surface of the water as if lost in thought. Empty, crushed cans spill from an unmarked store bag and litter the surrounding ground. As I approach, I notice the pensive expression on his face.

     "Satoru, what are you doing out here?" I ask, taking a step towards him. Yet, he remains fixated on the rocks and water.

     "You know, Suguru... Some of our deepest fears are not that we're inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure," he responds, still not looking at me.

     "What are you talking about?"

     "It's our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us," he says, his head shifts up to meet my eyes. His signature glasses slide down his nose as his intense gaze pierces through me. That striking blue usually shines brighter than the sky. Now, they are dull and swollen. He's been crying.

     "Satoru, are you okay-" I step forward and crush an empty can underneath my foot. Finally, I see the label. It's alcohol? We're underage. How did he get these? Anger fills me with shocking quickness. "What the hell is this? You know this kind of thing isn't allowed on school grounds!" I almost run the small gap between us, and bunch his shirt into my fists.

     The stench of booze leaks from his lips.

     He immediately changes from that lifeless form, that dead numbness I saw a moment ago, to a hysterical fit of laughter. After what had happened a week ago, this visual shook me to my core. Images of those cold eyes from that time came rushing back. 'Suguru, should we kill these guys right now? The way that I feel right now, I doubt I'd feel anything about it.' I drop his shirt collar from my grip, but he hangs his arms around me and chuckles.

     "Suguru, you worry too much. Mei Mei got this for me. Funny what she'll do for some cash. She overcharged the hell outta me, though." His striking demeanor change, was unsettling, to say the least. "You're also talking big shit for someone who got caught smoking on campus with Shoko." This catches me off guard.

     "That... that's different." Bastard.

     "I'll keep your... I'll keep your secret if you keep mine." His slurred speech rolls out of his mouth like a seasick sailor on a dock. He smells like one, too.

     His grip on me loosens as he slips from his dangled position across my torso. I rush to keep him from falling flat on his face. He just giggles as I hoist his full body weight up. God, this idiot. I sigh with exasperation. As long as he's okay. It can't be helped since he's already like this. I sit him down, gather up the mess of cans and trash he left around, and chuck them into the bag I had seen on the way in.

     "If I have to clean, you're gonna carry it back. Let's go." I shove the bag into his chest and wrap his arm around my shoulders to stabilize him. He gives a mild but useless protest. Ultimately though he does as told and stumbles, barely keeping himself upright. He wanders about like a newborn deer. I decide to carry him on my back the rest of the way. 

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