00: Crashing Down

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(TW/CW: Mentions of death, teenage drinking)

Rochester, New York 2005

The evening was filled with life as kids jumped around and danced with their friends. Everyone lost in their own worlds, dancing with people they didn't even know but they didn't care. Why should they, they had complete freedom in this moment and wasn't going to take it for granted.

Riley Winchester laughed with her friends as they moved their bodies in a way that definitely couldn't be considered dancing. "God you're awful." Riley laughs, clutching her stomach

Her best friend, Maze, lightly smacks her shoulder, "Then you try, miss 'I took a singular dance lesson when I was five'." She says, Riley starts looking around as if she didn't hear her friend before the two burst into laughter.

Tonight was her homecoming dance, and she was going to enjoy the hell out of it. The girl didn't go out much, her mom, Carina Miller, was very over protective of her and she knew why, but she wanted at least a bit of freedom here and there.

So she begged her mom for months to let her go to this thing, then she pushed it by asking to sleepover Mazes house, and surprisingly enough she was allowed to, however she didn't have to check in every half an hour, and if she didn't her mother would in fact blow up her phone

"I gave you a phone for reason, use it please." Was a phrase her mother had said one too many times, to the point it was engraved into her mind

"I need another drink, come on." She says, dragging her friend through the sweaty bodies. Grabbing a cup she pours some punch into it, before reaching into her suit pocket and pulling out a flask of vodka that she may or may not have stolen from her mom

Maze rolls her eyes with a knowing smile on her face, "One day you're going to get caught."

Riley shrugs, "I haven't been caught yet so that's all that matters. Plus you only live once, might as well have fun." She hands Maze a drink, and she gladly accepts it

"You know what, cheers to that." The girl smiles before the two chug their drinks

This was the life she wanted, a life where she didn't have to worry about the things that went bump at night.

Growing up with a paranoid mother was not for the weak, for the first 8 years of her school life the girl was forced into homeschooling, that was until she convinced her mother to let her do her high school years in an actual high school. That came with a lot of rules though, no parties, no after school clubs, no hanging out with friends if they didn't come over to her house, and no relationships.

And Riley followed these rules, because she understood her mothers worries, she's seen the things you only hear about in movies. However, she was still a teenage girl. So yeah, when she did have that rare occasion out, she spent it like any other teenage girl would.

Riley wakes up to someone loudly (and rudely) banging at the door. She checks the time on Mazes alarm clock

4:25 AM

What kind of psycho comes banging on the door at this hour?

Maze groans, still in a sleepy state, "What the hell?" She mutters, slowly sitting up

Riley silently dies of pain as a headache hits her, "Fucking hell." The two girls get up, Riley in desperate need of pills

Making their way downstairs, the knocking was stopped by Mazes parents who were already downstairs talking to whoever it was.

Mazes father, Evan, stood tall in front of the person, covering them from their view. Her mother, Emily, stood behind him, her arms crossed, clearly annoyed by the disturbance

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