I'm Copia

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Kiara's pov:

I came out of the shower and left the bathroom. To my surprise I only found Swiss there alone. "Where did Rain go?" I asked carefully. "Oh, he had to go and I have something I need to talk about with you." Swiss said. "I have to go, I know. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." I said, a faint smile on my face. "No no no, you don't have to go." Swiss said. "What? I don't? What is it about then?" I asked. "I think we should go talk to Papas." Swiss said shortly and waved for me to come sit next to him.

"I- Are you sure? What if they are mad? They already told me to leave once." I sighed. "I know, but this time they can help you. As long as you are willing to talk to them." Swiss answered. "I'm not sure if I can Swiss." I sighed. Swiss moved to look at me and gently took my hands in his. I turned to look at him, my eyes meeting with his. "I can come there with you if you want. They can protect you Kiara. I'm sure they will let you stay if they know how your life was back in Haven." Swiss said. "But what if I just can't say it? I couldn't last time." I sighed. "Just tell them what you told me." Swiss suggested. "But I trust you, not them." I said quietly. "How about we go see only Copia first so you don't have to face all of the Papas at once?" Swiss suggested. I stayed quiet for a while thinking about it. I don't think that I have any other choice. "Okay." I answered. "Really?" Swiss asked, a bit surprised. "Yeah." I simply answered.

We were starting to get closer to Copia's office. Luckily no one came across us on the way there. Still I decided to change in my more human looking form just in case. "This is his office." Swiss pointed and knocked on the door.

I felt so excited and scared. What if he immediately tells me to leave or what if he is angry? I also don't want Swiss to get in trouble because of me. Swiss probably saw how tense I was because he gently took my hand in his. "It'll be fine." He said calmly.

"Come in" Sounded from behind the door. Swiss opened the door slightly, not revealing me. "Oh hi Swiss. What brings you here?" Copia asked. "I need to talk to you about something." Swiss answered. "Of course, come right in." Copia said. "Papa you have to promise to listen to us and not be mad, okay?" Swiss said, still not opening the door fully. "What do you mean 'us'? Swiss what have you done this time?" Copia asked. "Swiss what have you done this time?" Copia sighed.

Swiss now opened the door fully, revealing me to the old man in the room. "Oh, hello dear. Who are you?" He asked. "I- I'm" I started but was interrupted by Swiss."Can we come in?" Swiss asked. "Yes of course." Copia said and waved for us to come in. "WHo is this lovely friend of yours Swiss?" Copia asked. "You don't remember?" Swiss asked, a bit confused. "Remember what?" Copia asked. "Show him, you can trust him." Swiss said, looking at me. I gave him a slight nod and changed back to my angel form.

A silent gasp could be heard from Copia's mouth. "Oh." He simply said. "I know Papa what you are thinking, but you have to listen to her, okay?" Swiss said. Copia let out silent sigh and pointed us to sit down. "Swiss, we already discussed this." Copia sighed. "I know, but she really needs our help." Swiss said. "Please just listen to her." Swiss continued. "Okay, What is your name darling?" Copia asked. "Kiara." I answered quietly. "Hello Kiara, I'm Copia. Swiss says that you need our help, why is that?" Copia asked. "Umm, I- well. I can't go back there." I tried to explain. "You are on a run?" Copia asked. "Yes." I answer. "Why is that?" Copia asked. "They have been keeping her basically a prisoner her whole life there. Now that she was able to escape, they are after her." Swiss said. "Who is after her?" Copia asked. "Sir." I answered quietly. "Sir?" Copia asked, lifting a brow. "Mhm." I hummed.

"Why have they been keeping you prisoner, you're one of them?" Copia asked. "I may be from heaven like them, but I've never been one of them." I said quietly. "What do you mean?" Copia asked. "I was born with an ability to heal others. Healing has always been my purpose in this life, but I don't wanna do that." I answered. "So that's why they have been keeping you there. You are too valuable for them to let slip away." Copia said. "Why didn't you just tell us the first time you were here?" Copia asked. "I was scared." I answered.

"I have never met a ghoul before. We are told that ghouls are deadly creatures and will kill you immediately." I continued. Copia bursted out in laughter. "Is that so?" He laughed. "Well, I can tell you that that is most definitely not true." Copia laughed. "How long have you been here Kiara?" Copia asked. "A week." I answered. "Wow Swiss, that is the longest time you've ever been able to keep a secret." Copia said amused. "Rain told me to come to you." Swiss answered. "Good thing that you did." Copia smiled. "So can she stay?" Swiss asked. "Could you maybe wait in the hallway for a while Swiss. I would like to talk to her in private before I promise anything." Copia said. "Is that okay?" Swiss asked looking at me. "I guess so." I answered a bit unsure. With that Swiss left the room.

"Okay now, I can already tell you that you are allowed to stay here, but I need to know a bit more about what you've been through in Haven." Copia asked. "Umm, what would you wanna know?" I asked. "Just tell me about your life there and it would be important to know the name of this "Sir"" Copia said. "There's not much to tell about my life." I sighed. "Just what do you have to do in Haven, about your family

and just everything you feel comfortable telling." Copia said. "Well, I have a room at the main church. I get to go outside now and then if I'm good. Everytime someone is hurt they come get me." I started. "I really don't know my family. Sir basically raised me. I've always been different than everyone else in the eyes of everyone I'm a freak. That's why I have to be thankful to Sir that at least he cares about me and loves me." I said.

"Why would anyone think you're a freak?" Copia asked. "I mean look at me?" I said a bit confused. "Not everyone looks the same and I think that is great, all of us are special just the way we are." Copia says. "Have they ever hurt you?" Copia asked. I stayed quiet for a while. I mean yes I have been hurt multiple and multiple times, but does that count? "I think so." I answered. "Tell me more." Copia said.

I could tell him what it is for me to heal, but I feel embarrassed. What would they think if they saw my body? If they saw every single scar I have from healing? I really don't want him to see that side of me, that broken side. 

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