Chapter 4.34 - Whatever Happens

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Silence hung in the room. At first, Emmett thought TINA was going through computations or simulations, but then she spoke up.

"How would you like to proceed, Dr. Venture?"

Venture stood with his head hung. "I'm... still thinking."

Emmett turned, silencing his confusion and apprehension. "I'll do whatever's necessary. I trust you—both of you."

"It's not that," Venture said carefully. "TINA's already run some simulations. Altering your vision so that you can see the Deep Ones isn't the issue..."

"...So, what's the problem?"

"The problem comes with what happens after that. When we send the vision filters to our allies."

Emmett glanced between Dr. Venture and the living room wall screen. "I mean, we don't really have a choice right? We can't fight the Deep Ones on our own. What's the big concern?"

TINA replied, "Anyone with sufficient programming knowledge will be able to trace the evolution of the visual filters. They will know that a synthetic-organic hybrid brain was used for modeling and that an advanced computer system was used to iterate and finalize the filters."

Venture added, "In short, the world will know that both you and TINA exist. Members of the Binary Brotherhood will be the first to figure it out, but they won't keep this quiet. They'll send it to the Summit, the DSA, and the government... but they might just decide to come for us themselves."

Venture sighed. "They won't stop at TINA. They'll take everything. Clara might be spared."

Emmett stared at the wall screen, not looking at it so much as staring through it. "What about me?"

Venture turned toward him. "You're a marvel of science, Emmett, but you're also intrinsically tied to myself and to TINA. At the beginning, you would've been spared. Now, I'm not so sure."

Emmett walked over to the kitchen table and collapsed into the chair. He felt numb. "I mean, there has to be something we can do, right? We have to do this... The world needs our help with the Deep Ones... We can fight the Brotherhood after."

"I admire your dedication... but we can't stand against the combined might of the Brotherhood. And even if we could, they would ask the Summit to intervene on their behalf."

"But the Summit already knows about us."

Venture said, "Yes, and no. Wight is a friend. One of the only friends I have left in the Summit. He's given me certain liberties, but even he doesn't know the full extent of what we've accomplished here. The Summit won't defend us."

Emmett leaned heavy on the table. "Clara will be alright, right?"

"Yes... Whether or not they'll allow her to remain a hero remains to be seen."

Emmett rubbed his eyes. At least Clara would be alright.

There really wasn't a choice, as far as Emmett was concerned. If the Deep Ones were making weapons, then TINA had to help the rest of the world stop them.

What else could they do?

Emmett said, "Maybe they'll go easy on us—especially if we help save the world."

Venture chuckled darkly. "I have enemies in the Binary Brotherhood. They won't let this go."

Silence settled between them. The footage on the screens played silently.

Venture said solemnly. "I knew this day would come. I just thought we'd have more time."

Emmett met Venture's gaze. "What are we going to do?"

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