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  "She makes breakfast too, I can't wait she promised me pancakes tomorrow, I feel like a damn man child but I love how she does that"
  "She's definitely Luna material although I wish I could go back in time and kill those assholes in the shop"
  I frown at him
  "Why would you do that? She put them in their place just fine in fact it rocked you should have seen their faces"
  He shakes his head
  "Maybe she did but when I found her she was punching the tree I'm surprised she didn't break her hand, she said she would rather feel real pain then feel all the emotions of the pack who hate her, says she can feel it radiating of them"
  I froze on the spot, she told him that because he asked her and she's so honest she probably just spewed it out as usual. who she said it to didn't bother me, what bothers me is that she felt it atol, dale continues when I say nothing
  "I didn't really understand what she meant but now that I know what she is I mean it makes sense. It must be hard to feel everyone all the time"
  My heart breaks in 2, she spent her life on a deserted island. She has been taught to read emotions all day everyday, I'm sure they never realised that the weapon they made would feel all the hate that she's got since coming here
  "I never thought of that before, I never thought how overwhelming that must be and why she gets so upset, and mad. She feels it all even when she doesn't want to, she can't turn it off"
  I say back to him, it's barely above a whisper as she groans in her sleep, I grab her head and hold my hand to her forehead, she moves into it groaning.
  "Yeah that sounds about right, this pack is honestly hard work. Those pranks the girls played on you today, they would never happen here and that sucks. She should check everyone's thoughts and kick out the bad once and for all, kick them out, kill the worst of them and let everyone else live in peace and move into the future. We should be under the kings rule but we are not because our people would rather kill, kidnap and steal instead of act like human beings"
  I sigh, shaking my head.
  "Is it really that bad? Like what exactly would they do if they mixed with another pack"
  "Right now they would behave cordially because we make sure of it. They know if they fuck about they die on the spot. Kids are not subjected to the rules but they grow up knowing that if someone dies it's because they broke the law. Before he put those rules in place they were savage. They would fight each other to the death over teenage girls, claim them before they even had a chance to meet their mate, they were used and abused. At school they would actually teach us that other packs were never to be trusted and if we wanted something we would go and take it, if humans found out what we were they would be taken and used as pets. It was a disgusting place and his father loved it, it's what he grew up with and people wonder why the witches took over and made prrr.. damn I can't even say the word anymore"
  We both chuckle and shake our head as he continues
  "Anyway, imagine that all over the country, on everyone's doorstep, they were made for a reason and it worked. You either got in line or died. Most died, some tried to fight but imagine thousands of her, it took only months for that kind to take over and whip them into shape. That's probably why he accepted her even if it was hard, he knows, damn any fool with a brain knows that what ur kind used to be, were monsters. There are horror movies about us for a reason. Anyway he tried all different kinds of ways for years but they wouldn't listen, not until he brought in the laws and now it runs smoothly but I wouldn't trust them to not turn into what they were before he came along. The kids at school are being taught about how wrong we used to be as part of their history lesson and instead are taught the laws and how to act around other packs and how to act when you meet your mate. That you woo them, you don't take them. and so on and so forth so yeah I can't ever see him letting the Reins go, not when we still have people fighting for the way it was"
  Damn I knew it was bad but I never could have dreamed up how bad they were. It's no wonder he hates talking about it and that he needs the help.
  "I'm glad he had you"
  I say to him warmly, I might dote over Lucy but it doesn't mean I love him any less, he actually amazes me and even more now. I feel my heart warm to him more and more as time goes on. He took that shit show and made it organised and strict just like his cupboards and wardrobes. Damn i've watched Lucy's fingers tick every time she sees the walk in, she really wants to get in there and make it messy and for the first time ever I realise to him if it's not in order, if it's not where it's meant to be then it's chaos like his childhood
  "Thanks man, I'm glad he has you both now too. So you're getting hitched huh?"
  I roll my eyes and shake my head
  "Did he tell you how he proposed I could have killed him"
  "No how?"
  "She wanted to go home to see her folks and bring us with her and he said he would take her next week if she married him"
  His jaw went slack
  "You would think he had more working brain cells then that, you gotta make it special for her. Damn she cooks for you both and everything. Your both living the dream"
  Suddenly I felt so extremely lucky, and yet so extremely sad for dale. We didn't talk much after that, just rolled Lucy's joints in comfortable silence until he gasped
  "Shit is she smoking?"
  "Crap move behind me and don't let their fires touch you when they combust"
  "They combust? Dude are you serious I was going to go home but I'm not missing this"
  He sounds excited stuffing all the joints into Lucy's bag and popping one in his mouth and lighting it then he moved behind me so I turned and lite one up myself as Jax started to smoke next
  "Please remind me to not freak out when their Hearts stop"
  "They what! What kind of crazy voodoo shit did you's hillbilly's bring into our pack"
  He says laughing and I can't help but snort and howl in laughter with him just as Jax's heart stops and I swear my heart stops with it, I can't even breathe as I wait forever for it to pump. We don't make a damn sound, frozen to the spot and then
  thump... thump thump thump thump
  And suddenly he screams as his body erupts in flames, but as fast as it happens, it's over and I lunch myself towards him not realising how much I fucking missed him
  "Thank the heavens I nearly took a heart attack, how do you feel, Ohh your naked shit dale look away"
  I pull of my T-shirt
  "Nothing I haven't seen before"
  I growl possessively covering his parts as Jax looks very amused
  "Don't tell me your jealous"
  I kiss him not bothering to answer his stupid question, he moans pulling my head closer and taking charge of the kiss like he always does. I groan as his tongue invades my mouth, my own meets his and they lap together in perfect synchronization.
  "Ok I'm outie tell the Luna thanks for dinner"
  I pull away chuckling but Jax pull me back and he rolls so we are side by side my shirt slips of his now hard dick and presses into my side and suddenly I want him so bad I'm going to burst, my own dick straining against my jeans painfully as his hands travel down my chest the sparks lighting up my body, making me feel alive as he pulls at my belt never taking his mouth from mine as I find his own dick and I slowly start to pull on him, he growls as I pull on him harder and he pulls of my jeans pushing them down to release my own dick. He grabs it and my eyes roll to the back of my head as I push him back and climb behind him. I line myself up and push inside him fast. He groans and I still inside him so he can adjust, but it doesn't take long and soon he pushes against me, I grab his hair and kiss down his neck and over his shoulders pulling his head back and nibbling on his neck as I slowly start to move.
  "Fuckkkkk scott"
  Fuck he drives me and my wolf crazy, he's the walking talking dictionary discription of a damn sex machine. I pull his head tighter as I pummel into him fast and hard but he doesn't miss a beat meeting me every damn time and all too quickly my balls tighten and my thighs tense as I explode inside him. I gasp for air falling off him and landing on my back. He turns and he's still yet to find his release so he's hungry for more as he slams against my lips in a bruising kiss. I push him onto his back and I kiss down his chest, he grabs my hair hanging onto it for dear life as I nibble and suck every delicious inch of my man making it to his member in just a few short seconds. I roll my tongue over the tip and suck him into my mouth like a damn Hoover, I'm sure I'm no match for Lucy's mouth but I try, he doesn't seem to mind as he bucks his hips in and out of my mouth so fast I can hardly catch my breath, soon I feel him tense and he swells in my mouth as he explodes. I swallow him all cleanings him up when I'm done and I fall on my back gasping for air, his hand goes to my hair and we lay in silence for a minute and he laughs
  "Damn I forgot we were outside"
  I snort and laugh
  "Yeah damn near mauled me in front of poor dale"
  "Nothing he—"
  "Say it again and I'll bite you"
  I snap at him, he takes into a fit of laughter
  "I didn't realise how jealous you are"
  "Well you normally wear more than enough clothes to cover yourself our girl on the other hand likes to push those boundaries so it tends to be a little more obvious with her"
  "I think she does it just to piss us off"
  I chuckle
  "Yeah probably, go get dressed I'll wait with her, she will be finishing up soon"
  "Nah I'll just wait and we can shower together. How is she?"
  "She's been smoking for a long time. You kind of skipped that part and blew up, although I'm not looking forward to her heart stopping at was scary"
  He rolls on his side as I pull my jeans up and stand up grabbing a bottle of water and throwing it to him then I grab a blanket and throw it over him he chuckles and shakes his head. Ok so I never realised how jealous I was of both of them before but he better get used to it cause I am. I grab 2 joints and he frowns
  "Who made all those?"
  "Dale and me to say thanks to Lucy for dinner, he made a good point with something that he said"
  I purge my lips as he lights his smoke and sits up covering himself in the blanket
  "What's that?"
  "That she deserves a proper proposal. After all, she even cooks us food. Damn in a million years never did I ever think I was going to be lucky enough to meet not just one person but 2 amazing people to share my life with and she treats us like kings so I think she deserves it"
  His eyebrows lift in surprise
  "2 amazing people ehh?"
  I roll my eyes
  "Yes 2, now what do you think?"
  "I think she deserves it to but I was already thinking about it and I have a plan"
  He say to me, I was excited that he was actually thinking about this to
  "Go on then spill"
  "Do you remember where her favourite place is?"
  "At her little cabin on the cliff? Ohh there? Yesss she will love it"
  He looked proud as her heart stops beating and I freeze
  "Fuck that is scary"
  "Isn't it terrifying? I swear my heart stops to"
  We both watch her not moving, and by the time her heart starts to thump iv broken out in a cold sweat but then we hear it and we both take a gasp of air
  "Thank the heav——"
  He starts to say but her strangle scream makes him freeze and gasp, he grabs my hand as the fire starts slower for her and burns through her body at a snail's pace. She screams as she's slowly burned alive
  "It's meant to go faster why isn't it going faster"
  I mutter going to her side and pulling her into my arms.
  "Lucy baby come on i've got you"
  Lucy's POV
  The pain makes me open my eyes and scream but then it starts slowly burning me from the inside out, it is taking forever as I scream in pain, Scott appears in my line of vision but I can't hear anything he's saying because all I can hear is my blood boil and bubble in my veins. I'm not sure how long it took but suddenly the fire went out and the pain disappeared, I shoot up gasping for air and into Scott and Jaxons waiting arms
  "What the fuckk"
  "I don't know baby, it just took so long for you are you ok?"
  I fall back as emotion after emotion
  Hits me one after the other, their emotions, the packs emotions the damn states emotions and I suddenly can't breathe right.
  "Lucy, what is wrong, baby?"
  Jaxon says to me, I tear my hands down my face and scream tearing my hair out. They grab me and squeeze me between then and it's like their body shields me from the outside world and I take a breath
  "I can feel it all. I can feel the entire pack. I don't know what to do, it's so strong. I need clothes and my phone"
  I attempt to climb out of their arms but I cry out and fall forwards so they tuck me back in between them
  "Shhh we will get you inside first and then we will get your phone"
  Jax mutters to me against my ear. They carried me inside and up to our room, setting me on the chair as Jax pulled on bottoms and Scott held me covering me in a blanket. I rested against his chest crying because I don't know how to handle it all. I find my phone but my body is shaking so hard I can't hold it so Scott grabs it
  "Who do you need to ring"
  "Grandma lilly"
  He pulls her name up, it's like 3am in the morning but I couldn't wait not for this, it rings out so I ring grandpa and he answers on the first ring
  "Lucy, are you ok?"
  I cry down the phone and I push it to Scott and he tells grandpa what's happening. Grandma comes on the phone
  "You need to bring her here I think I can help but I need her to come here because I need Caron, Baylee and the wolves, don't wait because it will only get worse as the pack wakes up and I'll have Caron sort something out for her pain"
  "Thank you we are leaving right away"
  He hangs up as Jax comes out with clothes and he dresses me as Scott cleans up and pulls on fresh clothes then he comes back to help me.
  "Bring the weed lots of weed"
  Scott holds up a bag of joints and I frown
  "A present from dale for dinner"
  And because all my emotions are everywhere I start to cry
  "What's wrong?"
  "It's like the best present ever"
  They look at each other and suddenly they move a lot faster and rush me from the house, Scott gets in the back holding me and I gasp as the pain gets more intense scott stuffs a joint in my mouth and he lights it, I take a drag and try to avoid screaming as we drive through the pack. I hear Jax tell Scott that dales taking over until we get back. The car rolls to a stop
  "Alpha is everything ok? We heard screaming"
  "Yes the Luna is hurt I need to go I'll explain later when we get back"
  I suck in the joint and I try to build a block in my head. I try to put every emotion into a book but there are just so many of them that I can't keep up.
  "What are you doing? Are you in my head?"
  Jax asks from the front
  "No, I'm in my head, I'm trying to put the emotions into a book. But their are to many and I don't know what to do"
  "Just a little while longer baby"
  Scott says holding onto my head and kissing my face
  "Distract me"
  He buries his head in the crook of my neck and he slowly sucks on my skin, I concentrate on the feeling, I ignore all the others and I moan as sparks and tingles light up my body making my toes curl, all I can feel is him and me and his lips and hands. His hands trail down my body and under my shirt rolling my nipple between his fingers. I gasp as my back arches into him and he trails his hand down over my stomach and under the band of my trousers. I cry out as his hand touches my slit
  "Fuck your soaking, is that better baby"
  I gasp as he shoves a finger inside, it feels incredible, so incredible I'm thrown straight into an orgasm screaming for more, my body moves on its own accord and all of a sudden I'm straddling Scott and I'm kissing down his throat. I suck and bite down his skin tasting him all as his finger goes to work fucking me, I pull on his sweatpants and let his dick out pulling my own trousers down and out of the way and I slowly sit on him crying out as I orgasm immediately
  "Fuckkk doll your so damn... fuccccck.. that sweet little pussy is fucking incredible"
  I growl and kiss him as I move, I could feel how hot and flustered I made him and that spurred me on as I sank down on him hard, cuming again and screaming into his mouth. He moans, grabbing my ass and pulling me down harder and faster. My insides churn and my stomach flips as I fuck him into another orgasm. He pulls away and he throws me over the seat on my stomach pulling my ass up, he sits up and lines himself up and slams into me
  "Doggy style in the back of the car seriously Scott"
  Jaxon scold, Scott just groans as I immediately orgasm again, he grabs my hair and he hammers into me
  "She wants it harder so ima give her what she wants"
  I groan pushing back and meeting him pump for pump, he grabs my hips and he fucks me, all his emotions consume me, even Jax's emotions and how horny he is right not seep into me and it makes me want him.
  "Fuck baby I'm sorry I'm going to cum"
  His dick starts to tick as he hits my cervix and his movements become more rigid as he explodes inside me sending me into another orgasm, I fall forward as Scott falls off the seat with a grunt. I don't move, afraid if I do the emotions will come back so I just lay there as Scott cleans me up and lifts me back into his arms. I sigh happily as Scott kisses my face and plays with my hair. The car rolls to a stop after a while and I'm suddenly hit with more emotions, I take deep breaths as I try to push them back out and put them into a book. I continue to do this but as we roll through the town I start to cry as each emotion hits me, I feel everyone's dreams, their happy dreams and their nightmares. Even their wet dreams. When the car stops again Scott lifts me out of the car and carries me to the packhouse, grandpa, grandma, Caron, Baylee and caden are waiting for us
  "Where to?"
  "The kitchen"
  They race in with me and place me on the kitchen table with a cushion under my head, grans hands attach to my head she gasps and starts to shake
  "Shit get her off"
  Caron shouts, grandpa pulls her back and she gasps holding her chest coughing and wheezing
  "I don't know how she's alive"
  Gran says to Caron Caron shakes her head
  "It's because she's a hound she can't die. So she's living a million deaths over and over again. Sit up baby I need you to try something"
  She helps me up then she pulls Jax over
  "Hold her and everyone else step back, Lucy I need you to light your head on fire"
  I think of my head on fire and suddenly the world around me went quiet and for the first time I could breathe. I gasp taking in as much oxygen as possible while I can
  "Now extinguish it"
  I think of it gone and for a second I think I'm ok but then it hits me and I scream out falling into Jax's chest.
  "Ok I know what to do but it's going to take a while you need to light your head on fire and keep it there for now so I can get prepared"
  I don't even bother moving my head from Jax's chest and I ignite in flames he squeaks
  "Damn I forgot I can't burn"
  He takes a breath making me laugh
  "Baylee I'm going to need a wolf, can you spare one?"
  I clap my hands together
  "I get a wolf"
  Baylee chuckles and nods
  "Yeah think of it as a wedding present"
  "Excuse me when are you getting married"
  Baylee freezes and points to the door mouthing a sorry
  "Next week and don't worry your invited I just haven't told anyone yet because I'm still waiting on a real proposal and not an ultimatum"
  I decide to throw Jax under the bus because I really am too tired to be arguing
  "Ohh, why? How did they ask?"
  "I'll bring you to Bora Bora next week if you marry me there"
  Scott tells them, Grandpa snorts and shakes his head
  "Damn boy did you not learn how to treat a woman growing up?"
  "If you must know I actually didn't, I grew up in a pack of bloody savages, then when i took over the pack and killed the old turd that dragged me up I was so busy making sure they stopped being raping, murdering, looting pigs that I never got a chance to actually learn and by the way just because I haven't done so yet doesn't mean I won't"
  I snort and laugh at Jax's grumpy answer, caden covers him mouth and muffle his laughter as my grandparents just look at him wide eyed
  "You know what your really not that bad"
  "Mmmmhmmm I know I'm not but could you maybe stop looting around in my brain"
  Lilly laughs and pulls her hand away
  "Sorry but it's hard to read you, anyway he's ok drake he won't hurt us, he has whipped that pack into shape look see"
  Grandma shows grandpa and Jax looks at me confused
  "What is she doing"
  I smirk
  "Showing him your memories"
  "Well that's a little intrusive isn't it"

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