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  I look at the boys who are watching me with big bright excited eyes and only when Jaxon reached out to wipe the tear from my face did I realise I was crying.
  "What do we do with the girl"
  I smirk at them
  "She stays with us too, she will be ours like he is, she will meet her mate soon though and that will help her heal, his family will look after her and love her just as much as we will"
  Someone knocks the front door so I walk back into the house and towards the door, Ashley's door is wide open and I can see her sleeping soundly in the bed. I smile to myself happy that we could make her comfortable enough to sleep. I go to the front door and open it, a doctor from the hospital had arrived with a huge box
  "Hey Luna I got as much as I could but I thought I better check him over now save you coming to the hospital later"
  I smile and wag him towards the kitchen
  "That's great thank you"
  He pulls out scales, nappies, bottles and baby formula. Scott grabs the formula and bottles and goes to the kitchen and starts to make a bottle as the doctor weighs the baby. He checks him over but I already know he's perfect. Scott comes back with a basin of water so when the doctor starts his calculations I wash the baby, he starts to scream but I settle him closing my eyes and making him like the feeling of splashing water, the next thing I know he's kicking his little feet and hands. I chuckle at his little face and the noises he makes. I finish washing him up covering his privates so I don't get peed on then I dry him down. I look back to the doctor who has a wide grin on his face
  "Your good with him, he is very underweight so you will need to give him as many bottles as you can, start with small amounts often and gradually build it up to larger amounts. Keep him wrapped up and warm so he doesn't lose weight burning energy and if you have any trouble let me know and I'll book an appointment. Other than that he's a happy healthy little boy"
  "Carter, his name is Carter mcgregor"
  Jax says proudly as I put a nappy on the baby.
  "You're keeping him as your own then?"
  The doctor asks smiling wildly
  "Yes he is ours"
  Jaxon leans over and kisses his little head, he reaches up and grabs his nose pulling on it, he chuckles shaking his head to loosen the grip on his nose.
  "Good, he seems in good hands. I'll be going, good luck with him"
  He picks up the last of his bags and Scott walks him out as I dress our baby in a baby grow and wrap him up in a blanket, Jax reaches for him excitedly so I hand him over. I wrote a note telling Ashley that we would be back soon. I sneak into her room and lift her shoes checking the size and leaving the note on the bedside table. Now she was clean I could see she was badly beaten but I didn't want to disturb her so I decided to heal her when she woke up.
  Scott drove us to the baby shop and grabbed a trolly as Jax carried Carter in, everyone stopped to stare, some even came up to say hello
  "Is he yours alpha?"
  A woman with her own little baby approached us in the shop, he grinned down at him and then looked to her proudly
  "Yes he is ours, his name is Carter future alpha"
  She looked surprised but as she set eyes on him her face melted like he was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.
  "He's perfect, hey little Carter this is Zack, it looks like you will be future friends."
  She looks up at me excitedly and continues
  "We should have a playdate soon, it's good to have other mummy friends"
  The word mummy shocked me and a grin spreads across my face as I look down at her little one
  "That would actually be amazing, my little cousins are coming to stay this week but maybe you could come by next week for coffee and I can make some treats for us to eat"
  She looked a little taken back but she smiled and nodded
  "That would be perfect Luna I'm looking forward to it"
  We said our goodbyes and I was so excited I skipped around the shop. We basically bought the entire shop, everything from Prams, car seats, mountains of clothes, baby toys, cradles. Everything he needed we got, when we were done and the car seat was installed we went to the clothes shop for Ashley. We got her everything that she would ever need, from dresses to pyjamas and loads of shoes. We got her a laptop for school, the boys even bought her gaming consoles and a phone. We bought her books and hair accessories as well as sketchbooks, and art supplies. When we were done it was almost dinner time and I was exhausted. We arrived home just as Ashley walked in from outside and I could tell she was smoking. She froze like she was in trouble and I couldn't help but laugh
  "Oh please I was smoking weed way younger than you, come we got you some stuff"
  She frowned looking at the bags in our hands
  "Why would you get me stuff?"
  "Because you need stuff and you are staying with us and you deserve it after everything. Now come on me and Jaxon are going to help you put it away"
  She smiled and took the bags from my hand
  "Thank you"
  We took it all to her room and lay the bags on the bed, when we finished carrying everything in she looked confused
  "You got me all of this?"
  Her chin started to wobble so I pulled her into a hug as Jax started to pour everything out onto the bed, jax spent around an hour putting everything away with very little help from me and Ashley. Eventually he kicked us out of the room because we were doing it wrong. Ashley thought it was hilarious
  "I will never look at the big scary alpha the same again"
  She laughed, shaking her head, I pulled the biscuits from the oven and added the vegetables then took her out the back to smoke. I healed her but stopped to cry when I realised she was pregnant. I was too afraid to tell her because I knew it would upset her even more.
  "It just takes a lot out of me to heal,
  Why don't you go choose a movie to watch after dinner it will be ready any minute"
  "I'm sorry I tired you out but thank you for healing me"
  I smile as she gives me a side hug and I link the boys to come outside, when they arrive I close the door and make sure she isn't listening
  "She's pregnant, she doesn't know"
  Both of their faces fell, the happiness we all shared from earlier was long gone.
  "What do we do?"
  "I honestly have no idea but it's going to crush her"
  "How far along?"
  "The early stages but can we really ask her to get an abortion? She's only a baby herself"
  "We have to, it's not fair she has been through enough"
  The door opens and Ashley peeks her head out with the baby in her arms
  "Hey something smells like it's burning and the baby smells, I can change him if you tell me where the stuff is?"
  I dump my joint and go to her
  "Thanks hun, I'll sort dinner out and one of the boys can change him. How are you feeling?"
  She smiles passing him off to Jaxon as he comes in and she follows me to the kitchen
  "Weird, I have been for a few days I thought it was just from being in the cell with no food but I still feel the same"
  I freeze, closing my eyes and grabbing the counter. Anger bubbles up within me and I try to contain it until after dinner. The girl needs food so I would tell her after it. I shake off the feeling and pull the veg from the oven adding extra to her plate, I pile the food onto each plate as Scott sets the table. Ashley helps me bring the plates over as Jax puts the baby into its cradle.
  "Do you always eat at the table together?"
  "Since meeting Lucy, yes. She makes us, but we like it. plus she is an amazing cook she even makes veg taste amazing"
  She smiles taking a bite and moaning
  "Crap this is amazing"
  She digs in and we all eat talking about everything and anything, Ashley tells us all about herself. When we are done i grab the brownies and fill our plates with icecream and brownies and I give us each one.
  "You do desert too? I love this place"
  She says excitedly moaning as she eats and it's good to see her feel so comfortable.
  "Can I ask you some questions about the rogue camps Ashley? Just about the setup and Who's In charge and how many prisoners they have?"
  She smiles sadly but nods a yes.
  "Ok we'll for a start how many are we talking?"
  She purges her lips and sighs
  "So they have these huge sheds, more like tents but each family has a private section, they have around 20 of them and each one holds around 300 people or more, the leader owns the land and he has a small house for him and his family, they have these big holes in the ground, they are really deep and they have no way out and have cages with plastic covering it as a roof that is where they keep the girls, I'm not sure how many girls there are or how many holes but in the hole I was in there was 10 girls, any boys that turn of age would come down and see if they could find their mate, if they did they would be treated ok but if they didn't you were taken to a tent and well it wasn't good"
  She shivers then continues
  "Girls would come and go, some died from the cold, one girl died from her injuries when she came back and they left her down there all week to rot. The banshee wasn't much older than me, she had the same marks on her hand that you have on yours, she said that when she found her fated that they were originally coming to find the pure hellhound, apparently others will come to her for the same reason and get her to call on their hound because she is the only one that can do it and because he wasn't active he was at risk of killing her. But they were taken from a motel around 4 months ago, they were told to stay there by a banshee. Apparently the hellhound wouldn't be at her full power and wouldn't be active for a few months. She said she came from a community of people like her and it was well known by her people that a pure hound would come. A banshee saw it or something, anyway they were taken and that's when she had a vision about what would happen. She wanted to die because they would have continued to use them both to keep having babies, they weren't even wolves they were just banshee and a man with the hellhound gene. But they made him Lycan because they knew the child would be stronger that way and she said they were right that the baby would be the strongest of its kind, he and his mate will change the Lycans forever and the Lycan king will rule side by side to the werewolf queen. They would be family and friends, that they would change everything for the Lycans of the future"
  Scott scrapes the last of his plate and pointed to Ashley with his spoon
  "So basically we have a lot of girls to rescue?"
  She smirks and nods
  "Sorry I kind of got off track there but yes, yes a lot of girls, anyone over 12 was taken and if the parents resist they die but they have humans too and one girl was taken from a pack, she was in a human school and they just took her. Loads of families tried to leave with the younger kids after that but they were stopped and killed and the kids thrown into the hole so we ended up having even younger kids then there was meant to be. Jax growls making her jump he stops putting his hands up
  "Sorry it just pisses me off that they are doing that"
  "Jez you nearly gave me a heart attack Alfred, fuckkk"
  I nearly choke laughing at Jax's face at her new name for him, Scott looks lost
  "Why Alfred?"
  She smirks and shrugs
  "Well he's alpha but he's also like a housewife, putting things away for everyone else, basically the sidekick to the real alpha of the pack lucy"
  Scott nearly has an aneurysm he laughs that hard, Jaxon just doesn't look impressed and he rolls his eyes at Scott
  "Whatever but in public I am alpha understand?"
  He scolds us all, looking us each in the eye making me laugh harder. After a minute Ashley calms down and looks at me sadly.
  "So are you going to tell me what's wrong with me or should I guess"
  The mood instantly drops and we all look at her sadly
  "If you were to guess what would you say?"
  Scott asks her, she shrugs and looks at him
  "That I'm pregnant?"
  I close my eyes as tears break through the surface and run down my cheeks
  "You would be right"
  Scott answers gently, she gasps shaking her head
  "I'm only 16, I can't have a baby. What should I do?"
  I stand up and take a breath then smile at her
  "Me, Jax and you are going to the hospital and we are going to see our options but either way we will be by your side the entire time"
  She nods standing up and I look at Jax, he looks nervous but he rises too and we leave scott with the baby. When we arrive at the hospital the doctor rushes us into a private room, he seems upset so when he closes and locks the door he looks to Ashley
  "Ashley honey it's so good to see you"
  She starts to cry as he grabs her, hugging her tightly.
  "Shhh it's ok, it's going to be ok"
  "What will happen? What will you do Conor?"
  Jax asks, taking a seat beside Ashley. she pulls away from the doctor wiping her face.
  "See how far along she is and hopefully she will just need medication, she will experience pain but she will recover quickly and she won't even need to think about it again, I won't even put it on her chart so no one will ever no"
  She looks to Jax like he needs to give her permission, his face softens and he smiles and nods to the doctor
  "Good, now lay down and i'll do an ultrasound"
  She does what she is told and he pulls a machine over to check her stomach. She looks in the other direction as we all watch the screen, he points to a small spot and looks at her
  "There it is, thankfully we have caught it early, all she will need to do is take a pill"
  She slowly looks towards the screen, tears in her eyes.
  "Do you want a picture?"
  I ask her, she looks to me frowning
  "Can I do that?"
  I sit beside her and take her hand
  "Ashley this is your body and your baby, we do what you want us to do, if you would like a picture then now is the time to take one. I'm here to support you in whatever way you choose to deal with the situation"
  She sobs and I move closer pulling her into my chest, I nod to the doctor and he takes a picture for her and prints it out as she looks up at me
  "I don't want a baby but I feel bad killing it"
  She whispers to me, I sigh giving her a small smile
  "Ashley as a doctor, having seen your pelvis size, you wouldn't be able to carry this baby anyway, wolves are not physically mature enough to carry a child until they are at least 17, it would rupture your inside and if we managed to save you in time the baby wouldn't survive and you might never be able to carry another child. So what I'm saying is, don't feel bad"
  Panic rises in my body as my eyes snap to hers, she looks shocked and nods
  "Can we do it now please"
  He turns and uses a key to open a cupboard, he pulls out 2 pills and a box, he hands the box to me And the 2 pills to Ashley handing her a cup of water. She takes them and he seems to relax once she had them swallowed, we all did. I touch her arm and I think of the process going quickly, that she won't feel any pain throughout it and that she understands that this needs to happen for her own well-being and not to feel guilty about it. She smiles up at me as I let her arm go and I throw the meds back at the doctor
  "She won't need those"
  He smiles and opens his arms out to Ashley, she hugs him and I wonder how he knows her so well
  "I'll come see you in a few days,
  Be good for the alpha and Luna ok?"
  "Thank you conor, I'm glad you were smart enough to stay behind."
  He shrugs
  "Your mum wouldn't have wanted me there, plus I think our Luna rocks. If you need anything you come and tell me ok"
  She hands him a phone and he smiles at it
  "You got her a phone?"
  He looks to us, Jax had his arms crossed over his chest watching them closely
  "Yes they got me a laptop and clothes and books too, they even gave me my own room with a bathroom and closet"
  He looks genuinely shocked
  "Why would you do that for her?"
  "Because she's pack so that means she's family, plus she brought us our son and she's kind of funny. How do you know each other?"
  "She's my little sister, I was her father's biggest mistake, we were not allowed much contact but when this one fell and broke her leg I became her doctor and we got to know each other. After that dad loosened the Reins a little and
  Considering they were both neglectful bastards it was a good job too because they would leave her alone for days, no food in the house and no money to buy any. If she didn't know me she would have starved. they asked me to leave with them but Ashley's mum really did hate me, reminded her of my fathers sordid past, hell he's probably a few more kids kicking around. Anyway if you need anything else for her or if she needs somewhere to stay me and my mate can take her"
  "No way she hates me and you know it! plus, the Luna cooks the best food I've ever eaten and the alpha is hilarious."
  I smirk at Jaxon who looks a little proud of himself, she comes to stand between us after taking her phone back.
  "Well in that case it sounds like you got lucky, but still if you ever need anything just give me a call, I know we never had the opportunity to really be a family but I still love you little sis ok?"
  "I love you too"
  After that we leave and head towards home, Ashley seems unsettled as we make it home, dale and Greg are there talking baby talk to the baby
  "You ok?"
  I whisper to her, she smiles
  "Just feeling a little uncomfortable"
  I take her hand and think of her pain, she's feeling the contractions without the pain, I make that feeling disappear and I show her to the seat, I light my hand and shoot it at the fire
  "That's so cool"
  She chuckles as I pull a blanket over her and sit by her side, she lays down curled in a ball watching tv as we look after the baby.
  "Who's going to watch him as you train?"
  Dale asks me as he hands Carter over, the thought hadn't actually occurred to me before now and I look to the boys
  "Not sure, maybe we will take turns?"
  They nod in agreement just as the baby wakes up, I run my finger down his little cheek as my phone starts to ring, mum was FaceTiming me, I answer making sure to hold the phone up at my face
  "Hey baby what's up? Sorry I missed your call"
  I bite my lip wondering how the hell i'm meant to do this
  "Well actually. Well we adopted-or actually we were gifted a baby banshee Lycan hellhound baby called Carter and a teenage Lycan girl called Ashley so yeah say hey to your grand babies"
  I pull the phone down to Carter's face as Ashley groans getting up when Scott pokes her to move into view
  "Sweetheart you better come talk to your daughter"
  I pull the camera up to my face and smile at her
  She grinning jumping on the spot making me dizzy, dad walks in and she giggles jumping on him
  "What is she pregnant—- are you pregnant lucy?"
  I laugh rolling my eyes and I pull the phone down to the baby and then up to Ashley
  "Hey pops nice to meet ya, I'm Ashley"
  "Ashley, and who is the baby and who owns it and can somebody fill me in?"
  I tell my parents everything and by the time we are done talking I'm exhausted and so is Ashley I hang up with my parents and we say goodnight but she stalls going into her room
  "What's wrong?"
  Scott asks her, she looks at both doors and then the stairs
  "Can I sleep upstairs? What if they come and take me in the middle of the night?"
  I hand the baby to Jax and take her hand
  "Of Course you can, come on, you can pick your room. Let's Grab everything you need"
  We go to her room and she gets her things ready, then we choose a room for her to sleep in upstairs. She takes the one furthest down the hall claiming she doesn't want to hear us 'do your thing' . I roll my eyes and give her a hug to say goodnight. Then I return to our room where the baby is finishing his bottle. I strip and pull on one of the boys shirts and fall into bed way too exhausted for one night. Jax pulls me up the bed and cuddles in as Scott puts the baby down but I feel like my eyes are only closed when the baby cries again but as I get up Jax pushes me back down and takes the baby instead, Scott reaches out pulling me to his side and when he cries again I sit up yawning both boys are out cold so I grab the baby but he wasn't hungry or wet he just wanted comfort so i ran my finger down his cheek and kissed his little head letting him feel just how much he is already loved and he drifts off to sleep. I fall back into the bed and finally I get some sleep. When I wake up next it's because the alarm is blaring loudly, I slap whoever is on my left to turn it off before it wakes the baby and for once they actually do it. I smile cuddling back in until I feel lips on my neck and a hand run up my thigh, I moan as sparks dance across my skin.
  I peel my eyes open meeting Jax's bright sleepy face, he plants his lips against mine softly as his finger traces a line over my panties, I groan into his mouth giving him the perfect opportunity to deepen the kiss, Scott's hands run up my other leg making me shiver but his continue up my body to my breast pulling on my nipple just as Jax moves my panties out of the way and slides his finger through my slick folds as Scott pulls and pinches my nipples sucking the skin down my neck. Jax pushes inside of me moaning into my mouth in a slow sensual kiss, his lips mould perfectly against my own, his velvety tongue explores my mouth meeting my own in perfect synchronisation.
  I feel jaxons dick against my hip so I push him onto his back and climb on top of him pulling the shirt over my head, I grab Scott and I pull him behind me he pushes me down against jaxon and I feel his dick tease my opening, he pushes inside me and I cry into jaxons mouth as he fills me up bottoming out. jaxon grabs my head deepening our kiss and holding me in place as Scott pulls out and moves my hips over jaxons dick, he lines us up and slowly pushes me down I cry into jaxons mouth again and he pulls us up the bed resting against the headboard, his hand go to my boobs kneading them and pulling on my nipple as I start to move.

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