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  "And you're surprised they did that? Your surprised that our kind died out because they were savages, raping, murdering, sick sadistic bastards. What would have come of your mate if I didn't change things? What would happen to your baby? I watched it all my life and I changed things because guess what her kind were right, the witches were right to create something to eradicate us. We deserved it and if you can't see that your even more idiotic than you look, now I'll ask you again. Are you going to die or are you going to apologise to the Luna?"
  His words seem to settle in and he visibly softens and nods at me
  "I'm sorry Luna"
  "Good, you, your mate and child are cast out of our pack and declared as rogues, leave before I change my mind. And remember how she turned those rogues with just a touch, they turned and killed their own. Remember that if you ever dare try to come back and start trouble because I will personally enjoy that show now get out and off my land"
  They let him go and he climbs into the car and they take off, the next is a woman driving she's on her own. I go to talk but she puts up her hand and shakes her head
  "It's nothing personal but I grew up with stories and I can't live with you here I just can't"
  "I cast you out of the pack and I declare you as rogue"
  She just takes off, it takes around an hour before we can see the back of the line and we hadn't lost any of our elite warriors, I was happy that they trusted Jax enough to stay. It was mainly the older generation that left but the younger ones, those around my age all seemed to stay, very few women on their own and by the sounds of it it was because they were treated the worst by the Lycans in the past and I was glad they didn't leave us to join them, everytime I seen a teenage girl leave the pack with their families my stomach churned in fear, what would become of them if they went to the Lycan packs.
  When the last had left we were down to just over 3000 members, only one family from the elite team left and the rest chose to stay and I was actually glad because now I didn't need to hide, I never need to lie again and I love that. It's a freeing feeling to be around people who accept you for what you are and what you can do and I especially feel grateful that even though I'm the thing that they grew up fearing, the one who gave them nightmares as kids; that they still opened their arms to welcome me.
  As we got home Jax looked an awful lot lighter. He pulled out the whiskey and poured me and Scott a glass, I took it eagerly ready for this day to be over. We went out the back and sat on the deck chairs drinking and smoking in silence.
  "I want to check the packs thoughts, I want to know if they are loyal"
  I purged my lips looking at him rolling the glass in my hand, wondering how I'm going to check everyone of their thoughts
  "I'll need help"
  "Please not your gran, it's bad enough my kind not liking your kind imagine if we added your kind not liking mine to the already fucked up situation"
  "The kids wanted to come stay, I could ask sophie to come help me and we can keep the kids for a few days as a thank you, they never get much help. Only ever get time to themselves when they are on the island and I watch them"
  I reply to Jax, he nods and Scott sits up smiling
  "Definitely, then I can prove that I'll be a good dad"
  I groan rolling my eyes
  "Please Scott no, not tonight And I know you will both be amazing daddies but I'm not ready for that, I want us to get this pack in shape first I want our kids to take over a pack that we can be proud off so please not tonight"
  He seems to consider what I say for a second
  "So if we can get the pack in order we can have a baby?"
  Jax asks me I smile and shake my head
  "You want one to?"
  "Of Course I do, but I'm not going to be a baby about it and keep going on about it like Scott does"
  Scott punches his shoulder
  "I'm not being a baby, I'm just excited to have something that is all 3 of ours. But I'm ok with the compromise, we kick the pack in order then we have a baby I'm ok with that"
  "Awe Scott that hurt"
  Jax punches him back, I groan as they start bickering back and forth, I refill my glass as Dale and Greg appear from around the corner, I smile at them as Scott lunges for Jax tackling him from the seat and onto the ground. Dale raises his eyebrow at them as they take into wrestling and hitting each other. I wag them over and then point inside
  "Ignore them, grab a glass and have a drink"
  "Are you sure they are really going at it?"
  Dale asks amused
  "I'll break them up when they tire themselves out"
  He chuckles walking past me to grab some glasses as Greg takes a seat watching the boys he gives me a small smile and sighs
  "So how do you feel?"
  I shrug lifting my glass and twirling the liquid around it
  "Good, very loved actually but worried about the teenage girls"
  "Yeah I'm worried about them too, the few that would talk to us are all for the rogue camp and all had teenage girls but they said they would rather put them at risk then live here under your rule. Stupid assholes. At least when they made us they made us with enough brain cells to live in humanity. Sending children to the slaughter is all they are doing"
  "Oh you haven't started him again have you? we were meant to come here as a distraction not to feed his anger"
  I chuckle and shake my head but I'm interrupted when Jax punches Scott in the face. I get up with a growl and grab both of them by the ear pulling them up onto their knees
  "What are the rules?!"
  I shout at them both, they both cry a big girly cry
  "No hitting in the face"
  Scott snaps side eyeing Jax, Jaxon growls and tries to lunge at him but I think of him having pins in his ass and he starts to squeal and squeak like a constipated chicken.
  "Ok I'm sorry arghhhhh please I'm sorry"
  I put him back to normal and he sags in relief
  "Now if I let you go you need to apologise to each other then sit up and behave because we have guests ok?"
  They both answer so I let them go and I take my seat again dale goes to say something but I give him a warning glare before he calls me a mother and that seems to shut him up but it doesn't stop Greg from laughing as the boys get up covered in dirt and kiss my cheeks, Jax goes to lift me onto his knee but Scott growls and steals me so I growl at them both, standing up. I point for them to move out of the way and I push the chairs together and push them down and I sit on one knee each.
  "Damn it seems exhausting to be their mates, how do you do it?"
  "By fear, she scares the shit out of us"
  Jaxon says, Scott agrees with him and I sigh in happiness. I didn't care what they were agreeing on they were agreeing and that's the main thing.
  We sit with the boys well into the night and I barely remember dosing off on top of them but I woke in bed with the alarms blaring, I groan trying to roll away from the light but I fall right into someone's armpit
  "Ewe get your pit out of my face"
  "No my pit was here before you put your face there so move your face"
  Scott snaps at me. I growl rolling directly into someone's hard head with a bang.
  "Awch jaxxxxx move please I need sleep"
  "Sorry baby but it's time for training"
  I pout and open my eyes to meet his beautiful grey ones.
  "I'm scared what if they don't want me there"
  He kisses my lips and pulls back
  "It's not about what they want, it's about what they need. They need to be better prepared for the next attack. They need you, we all need you so move that pretty little butt and show them what a real fighter looks like"
  I grin, kissing him again and relaxing into his embrace, my lips mould around his soft full ones in a soft emotional kiss. I groan as he prods at my lips with his velvety tongue.
  "Don't start something we can't finish we need to get up for training"
  Scott pulls me away from Jax kissing my throat and the side of my lips snuggling into me.
  "Fine but your making the coffee"
  We climb out of bed and get dressed quickly and I head out the back with my breakfast smoke and coffee, when I was done we head towards the training field. We were a little shocked to see the magnitude of people waiting for us, we stopped at the front and Dale ran over to us wearing a huge grin on his face.
  "They all want to train everyday, even if they don't make the elites they want to train under the Luna and alpha so if we are attacked again they can defend themselves properly"
  Overjoyed isn't even the word to describe how happy I am to hear that, they want me. I grin jumping on the spot and grinning up at Jax and Scott
  "If that's the case why don't we evaluate them and dale and Greg take the usual group"
  "Sounds good alpha"
  Dale chirps jumping into his task as we split the new group into 3 and then we each spar with the newbies to evaluate their abilities. I smirk as all the teenage girls push the boys out of Scott and jaxons line and into mine. Jax goes bright red and Scott looks proud of himself until he notices all the boys in my line and his face drops. I ignore his glare as I call the first boy up, he's around my age and not very defined, blonde hair, blue eyes and a pretty smile. I wag him forward
  "Ok let start by you going for it, try to take me down"
  "Ok Luna but your not going to use any of that weird voodoo shit on me are you"
  I snort and laugh shaking my head
  "No, no weird voodoo shit now let's go"
  I clap my hands together and I watch as he takes off towards me, he's fast but his body language gives him away and I move out of his way as he goes left I go right, he turns and lunges for me but I twirl out of his way, he growls and tries to get up but I stick my foot into the base of his skull, he yelps grabbing my feet and tries to trip me up but that just puts more weight on his head.
  "You realise you would already be dead right?"
  He stop flailing around like a chicken and sags giving up, I let him go and point to a space behind me
  "Your body language gave you away. You need to learn how to play it cool or work faster than I can read you. Also your slow on your turns and you need to keep cool, wait over there"
  He doesn't say anything but stands where I tell him to and I wave the next one up. He is built like a warrior, tan skin, black hair and deep dark eyes.
  "Come on I don't have all day"
  I scold him, he takes off running towards me but stops and twirls and he aims for my legs but I move faster jumping from his reach, he doesn't let it affect him though because he recovers immediately throwing a punch, I block it as he throws another and another and when he goes for the next hit he tries to fool me by kicking out against my chest but I grab his foot and yank him forward so he falls on his crotch with a groan, when he's down I kick his chest pushing him onto his back and knocking the air out of his lungs. Then I jumped and put my foot on his neck.
  "Your dead, but that was very good tomorrow you train with the big boys, stand over their"
  I point to another spot and Scott frowns
  "Why are you separating them?"
  "Well he's good and he is shit so I was thinking that line can train with the elite tomorrow and the rest we can choose someone to train them and get them up to the elite level"
  He passes me some water and I look to his line just as the girl infront who has done absolutely no exercise and doesn't even have a red face opens her bottle and pours it over her chest. I grit my teeth as her huge boobs are now on full display for the field to see under her white top, I fist my hands and take a deep steadying breath but Lexi is pissed.
  "What's wrong?"
  Scott looks at me frown
  "Your fan girl at 3 o'clock"
  He looks over and snorts looking back and pulling me into his chest, I wrap my arms around his neck still annoyed at her little stunt. He kisses my pouty lips and grins at me
  "Now you know your the only girl for me"
  I roll my eyes at him
  "Maybe, doesn't mean I want someone's wet chest all pushed up against you either"
  Jax walks over looking nervous and scratching the back of his neck.
  "Maybe you should swap places with him babe?"
  Me and Scott smirk at each other and we both turn to him at the same time
  "You wouldn't be jealous now would you jaxon?"

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