ABC BroZone Performance

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The BroZone brothers volunteered to help the Troll kid preschoolers learn their ABC's.

Poppy: Okay, kids, let's sing ABC together. Ready? One, two, three.

Preschoolers & Poppy: *sings in unison and in a singsong voice* 🎶 A, B, C, D, E.... 🎶

John Dory: Whoa, hold up know. That's good and all, but let's try something different.

Clay: Yeah, everyone clap with us.

BroZone: *claps in beat while doing a two-step move*

Preschoolers: *claps along*

Poppy: *smiles and joins in with the clapping* 

John Dory: 🎶 Everybody learn your ABC's 🎶

Bruce: 🎶 Start with A and end with Z 🎶

Floyd: 🎶 Everybody learn your ABC's 🎶

Branch: 🎶 Start with A and end with Z 🎶

Clay: 🎶 Yo A, yo B, yo 1, 2.... 🎶 *beatboxes*

John Dory: 🎶 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P 🎶

Students: *smiling and bopping their heads*

Bruce: 🎶 Q, R, S 🎶

Branch: 🎶 T, U, V 🎶

Floyd: 🎶 W, X, Y, and Z 🎶

Poppy: Oh, I like this, guys. 😁

Clay: 🎶 Yo A, yo B's 🎶

BroZone: 🎶 Yo A's, B's, and C's-again! 🎶

Bruce: *dances, shaking his butt and sings* 🎶 A, B, C, D, E, F, G 🎶 

Branch & Floyd: *stops singing* 😧😧

Poppy: 🤭🤭🤭

John Dory: *does the hip roll* 🎶 H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P 🎶

Students: *dances and sings*

Clay: *breakdances* 🎶 Q, R, S, T, U, V 🎶 

Poppy: *dances and sings* 🎶 W, X, Y and Z 🎶

John Dory: 🎶 Yo A, oh, yo B's! 🎶

Branch: *face palms* 🤦

Floyd: Oh my gosh. This isn't how we rehearsed it yesterday. 😐

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