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This morning sucked. I was worrying constantly about what the director had planned for me, which made it hard to focus during class. So of course, Mr. Harper just had to choose this morning to call on me during his lecture on the history of male superiority. I hadn't a clue what had just been said.

As punishment, he spanked me hard over his knee in front of the class– twenty-five times. He forced me to count out loud. I hate how they do that– it prevents you from spacing out.

My ass cheeks are still sore.

I approach the director's office and knock gingerly on his door.

"Come in!"

I nervously enter his office and carefully keep my eyes down to show proper respect. It took several punishments to develop that habit.

"Ah, Jay-cee," he says in a mockingly affectionate voice. He stands up from his desk chair and strolls over to where I'm standing.

"It's always such a pleasure to see my favorite little slut." He grabs my hair at the back of my head to tilt my gaze up towards him. "I have some fun planned for us today." He smirks at me. "I'll need you to remove your clothes."

I swallow as my heart picks up its pace. I stare at his feet as I remove my white crop top– slowly, like he's trained me to.

"Look at me while you undress," he demands quietly.

I pause with my top halfway lifted, forcing my eyes to his. I pull it off the rest of the way, seeing his eyes sharpen as they take in my exposed tits. I take off my heels and powder blue yoga pants next. I'm not wearing panties today.

His eyes watch me hungrily.

"Now put your heels back on."

I obey. I am now standing before him, nude but for my white stilettos.

"Now retrieve a Sharpie for me from the top right drawer of my desk."

I frown, puzzled, but hurry to his desk to obey, feeling his eyes on my ass the whole time. I find the Sharpie and try to calm my nerves as I hand it to him.

"Has anyone ever written on you, little slut?" He grabs my hair again, forcing my head up as he leans his face in close to mine.

I gulp. "No, sir."

"I figured this would be another first for you. It's about time someone made it clear to the world what you are." He uncaps the marker. "Don't move," he says sternly.

He writes something across my forehead, then he moves to my right cheek, followed by my left.

"Now turn around and bend over."

I feel the marker move in large sweeps across my left buttock and then my right.

"Excellent," he says, sounding satisfied as he admires his work. "Now you'll retrieve the black ball gag from the bottom left drawer of my desk for me."

I hurry to obey, but moving quickly is a bit of a challenge for me in my stilettos. You'd think I'd be used to walking in them by now, but I still feel unsteady so precariously balanced on my toes.

I stand in front of his desk, scanning his drawers.

Shoot. Did he say right or left?

I open the bottom right drawer, but I find it full of floggers instead. Shit!

"I said bottom left, bitch! But now that you're there, grab me the flogger with the gold handle– you've earned yourself some lashes."

Pretty Little Cunt: A Freeuse Society of Hedone Novel Book 1Where stories live. Discover now