。⁠:゚✿Chapter 1✿゚⁠:⁠。

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Author's Pov :-

It was 07:55 in the morning Muskan was sleeping on her bed soundly but suddenly her mom interrupted her beauty sleep

"MUSKAN UTH JAAAA!!!!"(Muskan wake up!!!!)( Anjali shouted while coming towards her room)

"Yes maa just five minutes please." (She replied in her sleepy voice)

"You are saying this from past 30 minutes...Do you even know what time is it huh ??" (her mother exclaimed angrily)

"Why are you shouting Maa?..What is the time?" (she asked in sleepy voice while throwing her arms into the air)

"It's 07:59" (her mother said while looking at her)

"WHAT!!!!" (suddenly muskan woke up and looked at the clock on her room's wall showing 07:59...she was shocked and ran towards the bathroom while saying) "Why didn't you woke me maa??...uff...I will be late for my college" (she said hurriedly while fake crying)

"College??"(her mother said shockingly) "But aren't you going to Bangkok for your further studies??...So why are you running like that??" (her mother said in confusion while suddenly muskan realized that)

"Huh??(Are haaan!!!"( she asked being shocked)
(Are haan- Ohh Yess)

"Hehehe"(she laugh remembering) "I.. I... actually forgot that hehe...."(She said with an embarrassed face and her mother facepalmed herself seeing her absent-minded daughter) "Ek minute maa..then why did you woke me so early huh??...."

"Because you have to pack your stuffs for the journey...." (She answered in an irritated voice while Muskan looked at her for sometime and said buttering her)

"Maa why are you looking so beautiful today??...."(Her mother looked at her in disbelief)

"Don't you dare butter me...I am not gonna help you in your packing...you yourself gonna do that!!!..understood??" (Her mother said in a strict voice while Muskan just rolled her eyes and said)

"Yahh yahh why will you help me in this??..You just only care about your oldest son na??Hmph!! You don't love me anymore Maa you just love Akash bhai not me I will complain about this to Papa" (she said being little emotional and her mother just walked away from her room)

Author's Pov :-

"Did muskan woke up ??" (her father asked looking at Anjali, Muskan's mom who is walking downstairs from Muskan's room and answered)

"Yess she woke up" (she said with a smile)

"Hmm...."(he said after a short pause) "Do you really think that Muskan can stay at Bangkok all alone by herself??"

"Alone??...."(She asked being worried)

"Don't worry our daughter is strong and she will fight every situation courageously...so don't worry too much Anjali she is a lioness did you forgot that??...huhh??" (Aditya said to Anjali while Anjali had tears in her eyes because she was sending her daughter to Bangkok for her further studies as per her demand)

"But I am so worried for her from now only....she never went too far from us and now she is going for almost 3 years....How will I  live without her??" (She said sniffing in her tears while Aditya wiped her tears and said)

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Bye Lovelies
Have a good day and stay healthy and safe 🫶🪷🌸🌈✨🧿

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