chapter 3

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(Notes: thanks for the support )


Izuku looks and then feels a pressure on like death is infront of him

Izuku with a fearfull tone: www wwwho are you ?

Sukuna: my name is ryomen sukuma

Izuku with fear: where are we ?

Sukuna : inside of your mind

Izuko: oh

Sukuna: you know you suprised me i was thinking that you weak minded you actually train to get stronger and you have determination you fought that kid with explosions power and be able to knock him down and keep up while having the disavantage i am impresed ,
*sukuna sights and starts talking again *
Sukuna : why don't you become villain is better for you can kill those weaks of your "family" plus you will be free and i will train you so you can become strong so what you said

Izuku: I think they don't they deserve to die that is a little too easy .
Sukuna with a suprised tone: what do you mean?

Izuku : if i become a villain that just prove their point about me plus killing innocent people is just stupid because if i am strong why fight the weak when i can fight the strong opponents to learn from them , if i become a hero not only i will be completing my dream but i will be humiliating my so" called family" because i will be beating them on their own game that is more embarrising to them

Sukuna smillying evily: that are some good points but did you know that your father toshinori yagi is all migh?

Izuku with a suprised tone : it can' t be toshi is too skiny and barely has muscles

Sukuna with a smirk: don' balieve me but i can sense his curse energy that toshinori has with all might but when you learn curse energy you will see it by yourself

Izuku with a shoock and angry tone: WWWWHAT !!

izuku mad while realising some killer aura: THOSE FUCKERS WILL REGREAT EVERYTHING THEY DID TO ME.

* sukuna smiling evilly while thinking *
Sukuna mind: this kid is more interasting than that brat of itadori at least this will be fun .

Sukuna smirking : ok then kid don' dissapoint me i will train but in the state of your body is not ready for curse energy and you have a lot reserves by your own , forget your past workout follow this 350 push ups , 350 sit ups , run at least 40 miles

Izuku with a pale look: i am going to die

Sukuna : you need a lot of stamina for curse energy plus when you when you agree with the deal with me you get a boost on your stats becuase we going to complete fuse but don't worry my power will be seal so you get naturaly
and when does the exams for that school you want to go starts ?

Izuku : i think in 15 months and about the deal i bet you want something in return.

Sukuna : oh i see you are not that dumb i like that , all i ask is let me take control over your body when you are fighting someone super strong is kinda boreing being here.

Izuku: sounds like a deal but i have one thing ask and it is can i use your last name ryomen i don' t want to be a yagi anymore

Sukuna smiling : yeah sure and before you back i will train you in how to using my style of fighting so prepare your training starts tommorow
* izuko and sukuna handshacked *

*Izuku wakes up in the evening and looks at his hands and says with determation*

Izuku with a serious tone: i will become strong and become a symbol that everyone respects and fears .

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