chapter 6

315 9 1

(This chapter is going to be a little shorter than others chapters)

"Izuku is in a wierd white void"

Izuku with a confused tone : where i am at ? Sukuna ?

?:hey um izuku right?

Izuku: yes iam izuku ryomen who are you?

Megumi: my name is megumi fushiguro i was sukuna vessel when he died but that is what iam here for , when sukuna soul connect with you he was on my body and with my soul but iam stuck here with you and sukuna , i am suprised that you want to be a hero and sukuna kinda agrees with you

Izuku : wow that is kinda scary and cool but with sukuna i know what you meant by but he is still the same demon as you know but i know you didn't call me to be here for not a good reason , so what is going on?

Megumi similing : i am going to give you my cursed techinique ten shadows you can summon shikigami to help you battle the only you can summon at this moment is demon dog and rabits ,maybe you can do my domain expasion
now that you aquire the techinique by fusing don't worried you will get my memories and information about the techinique how summon and how to aquired more , you won't change apperance now give a handshake to fused

*izuku and megumi handshake and megumi turns into dust and gets absord by izuku who stood in blank expresion *

Izuku with a sad tone : have a farewell megumi fushiguro

Megumi : now i can rest and peace

*izuku wakes up *

Izuku : i feel more cursed energy than before i think i have megumi curse energy as well but now let see if this works !!Demon Dog !!

*a dog appears *

Izuku happy : yaay it work now who is a good boy
*izuku pets the dog and puts it back on his shadows

Izuku : this is great i have more abilities to refined and become stronger but i have to get ready for school

[Time skip ]

"Izuku arrives at his class room"

Izuku : hi everyone good morning

Everyone : good morning

*izuku walks to his desk but momo starts to his attention *

Momo : izuku uhh when would you start to train with me or where ?

*this gets everyone *

Kirushima : helping others man so manly izu bro

Mina : yamomo that is unfair

Uraraka witha angry tone but hides it : what ?

Izuku : momo maybe tomorrow come to eat lunch at my table to talk more details class is about to start

Aizawa : that's right and today we are

Everyone thinking : please not a test or anything hard

Aizawa : choosing a class president

Everyone : something normal

Aizawa : you guys have up to ten minutes

Tsuyu : we don't know who to choose we barely know each other - ribbit

Denki : i should be and i make the girls wear a maid suits

Mineta : i make girls wear shorts up to their thights

*tsuyu smacks mineta with her tongue and. Jiro attacks denki with her earphones *

Lida : we should vote in a good manner by doing who has the most votes wins

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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