Chapter Four

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Nearly all of the seraphim avoided her. It seemed her brothers despised her but she'd never known any other home than their shared home in Heaven. They had a total of four residences, located in: Hell, Purgatory, Heaven and Earth. They'd never left their residence in Heaven. Death had considered it a few times, moving to one of their other residences. Her brothers already divided them up leaving her with the residence in Hell. Famine claimed Purgatory, Conquest claimed Heaven and War claimed Earth, one day perhaps they'd separate and live in their separate residences, but she didn't think it would be anytime soon. Her brothers, mostly War and Conquest, loved tormenting her too much.

"Hey! Go clean the stables, Creepy!" War shouted, his voice causing the ground to tremble beneath her, startling her from her thoughts.

Death scrambled to catch the pitchfork that came hurtling at her, pointed prongs aimed right for her head. It was easier to just do as they said than argue with them or reason with them. She didn't mind doing the chores they asked of her anyway.

War and Conquest howled with laughter as she was stabbed in the arm while trying to avoid it stabbing her in the face. Death sighed, and wrenched the pitchfork out of her arm, it hadn't left a mark but it had hurt a little. Though she could heal and regenerate in an instant that didn't mean she didn't feel pain, and her heart was in a constant state of pain when her brothers tormented her. She'd been so excited when she found out she'd be getting younger brothers , she'd had so much fun making their nurseries. She wanted so much to have a good relationship with her siblings. When they were very young, she used to sing to them, they'd always liked it. It didn't last long. They'd grown up too fast, literally overnight, and the resentment grew with them.

"Will you two be quiet?" Famine's faint voice drifted across the wind from his spot beneath a weeping willow with a book folded in his spindly fingers.

"Sorry Fam." Conquest guffawed, lowering his voice.

Death dragged the pitchfork behind her, they'd thrown the largest one, it was taller than she was. The stalls were a disaster, even though their steeds were godly in their own way, Death didn't believe all the mess had been caused by them, her brothers had done something to give her more work. Did they rent their stable out to every horse caretaker in Heaven?

After finishing her task, she dropped off the pitchfork in the tackroom it belonged to and trudged back to the house. Conquest and War were huddled over something, Famine had a new book tucked in front of his face and his long gangly limbs were awkwardly positioned as he'd stuffed himself in a comfortable chair made for someone of her size. He resembled a massive spider with long gangly legs bending awkwardly out of the chair. War and Conquest were snickering, she heard something crumple then tear.

"What's that?" Death asked softly.

"Nothing." War snarled and hurled it away.

As the crumbled shredded mass hurled through the air, Death zeroed her gaze in on it. Time slowed so she could make it out better. She spotted 'Dede' written in Lucifer's beautiful script. She held out her hand and the crumpled mass froze in place.

"A letter from Lucifer?" She asked, her voice sounding hurt. "You were going to hide it from me?" She turned her outstretched hand so it was palm up and the letter repaired itself and appeared in her hand.

"You don't need Loserfer putting ideas in your head. You belong here." War crossed his massive arms in front of him as he puffed out his chest to make himself bigger, not that it was necessary he was more than two times her size, standing at a towering 12 ft. His glowing gold eyes were filled with scorn.

Death at the Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now