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We took Serena and baby Hazel home the next morning

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We took Serena and baby Hazel home the next morning. She understandably doesn't want to be alone with a newborn, so she comes home with us. She is once again lying in my bed, but this time with my fresh granddaughter in her arms. They both look so beautiful. She has a post-birth glow about her, and I have to take my phone out to take a picture. I don't recall ever looking that good after giving birth, despite Elliot telling me I did.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her as I sit on the end of my bed, watching her feed the baby. She is a hungry baby. All Serena has done since we've been home is breastfeed. Though she doesn't seem to mind.

"A little," She says, her mouth curved upwards in a half smile. "Are you?"

"Starving," I laugh. "I was going to suggest to dad that he goes and picks something up. What do you fancy?" I ask my daughter, and she scrunches her nose up as she thinks.

"I really fancy a greasy burger," she giggles, and I smile.

"That surprisingly sounds very appetising," I say, texting him so I don't have to get up.

You know you love us? Can you go and get us greasy cheeseburgers, please? Ask Margo if she is hungry, too. Love you xoxoxoxo

"That is so lazy," Serena laughs.

"I don't fancy getting up," I shrug. "Too tired, watching someone have a baby really takes it out of you," I laugh, moving up the bed to lay down next to Serena. "Do you think you'd ever have another one?"

"Mom, I'm getting divorced," she laughs. "I don't think so."

"You don't have to be married to have a baby," I shrug. "Margaret wasn't."

"That was so different," Serena says. "Plus, she would still be married to Matt if he hadn't -" she shrugs.

"I know," I smile sadly. "You should try and get some sleep once the milk monster is done."

"I will," She smiles. "Will you hold her?"

"You don't have to ask me twice," I laugh.


The next day, Serena was still comfortable in our bed. She had managed to get some sleep again between feeding, so I had snuck downstairs with baby Hazel in my arms. She is such a beautiful baby, with the same big blue eyes as the rest of the family. I bounce her around the living room when the doorbell rings.

"I wonder who that could be!" I say to the baby as I swing the door open. A familiar face stands before me, and I feel my mouth widening into a huge smile. "Fin!"

"You remember me?" he asks with an equally happy smile as I pull him in for a hug.

"Of course I do. How could I forget you."

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