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TRIGGER WARNINGS: fluff overload, you're welcome

TRIGGER WARNINGS: fluff overload, you're welcome

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"i just want to make your pain go away."

EDEN entered the diner last, stifling a yawn as the sleep deprivation truly hit her. There was less than forty-eight hours before her first full moon and she could feel the effects.

She'd also thought of Remus a lot.

Eden and Nik hadn't spoken much since he finger-fucked her in the hotel room, but she didn't mind.

She felt better either way.

Stefan could tell and commented with a lazy "you look chipper" and then proceeded to make her morning coffee before the brothers came down for breakfast.

Eden thought Elijah would act strange about it. She'd spent the hours after Niklaus left — she didn't end up going to a bar, she cried herself to sleep in his arms and he was gone in the morning — feeling guilty about the entire ordeal.

But Eden could feel no harbored resentment, no jealousy. And he still looked at her the same as before.

It confused the fuck out of her.

"We've got a lead," Nik announced as he took the seat next to Stefan, Elijah sitting next to Eden. "Ray's in Tennessee. We missed him last month with," his eyes flickered to Eden, who raised an eyebrow into her coffee, and he continued, "everything going on. Today, we get him, test the hybrids, and create more."

"Yippee," Eden remarked dryly.

"Stefan and I will go in first, compel everyone. Eden, you're going to eat a proper meal, and Eliah, keep an eye on her."

"I'm not a dog," Eden snapped. "No one needs to keep an eye on me."

"Well, you are a wolf now," Stefan pointed out. "Technically, you're a canine."

"At least I'm not a blood addict," Eden retorted.

Silence fell over them and Eden looked around with furrowed brows. "What?" She asked. "It's true."

"No, it's just," Stefan sighed. "You've said. Before. A lot. You said it a lot before you were kidnapped."

Eden froze and looked between the three, surprise filling her, but she kept her face blank. "That doesn't mean anything," she replied, her voice softer than she meant for it to be.

"'Course not," Nik rolled his eyes. "Nothing ever does with you, anymore."

He stood and left the diner quickly, heading back to the car. Eden rolled her eyes at his behavior and Stefan looked between her and Elijah, then to where Nik walked off to.

"I'm gonna..." he trailed off, going after him.

"That was weird," Eden commented to Elijah.

Elijah smiled softly at her. "They'll come around. If this is who you are now, they'll embrace you once they understand that."

FROM EDEN ― mikaelsonsWhere stories live. Discover now